Happiness: An Impossible Dream?

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We’ve talked about happiness many times over the years. Probably because it seems an impossible dream for many, especially in today’s crazy world.

The question we often hear is “How can I be happy when the world is going to hell?”

Good question.


We love talking about happiness. Why? Because it’s such an important part of your lives as humans. And yet happiness often eludes most humans.

You even have organizations who specialize in happiness research. While we applaud those dedicated folks who do that, the focus is sometimes too much on the material aspects of human happiness.Read more

Being Happy Is Simple and Easy by John Cali and Spirit

To find inner contentment and plenitude, snug yourself in the comfort of gratitude. ~ Amit Sood, MD

Happy Buddhist MonkHappy Tibetan Buddhist Monk
Copyright ©  2007 by Wonderlane

Do you believe our title? Is being happy really simple and easy? Is the key to happiness, as Dr. Sood says, as simple as practicing gratitude? Is happiness your birthright as a child of God?

US President Abraham Lincoln put it this way:
“A man is about as happy as he makes up his mind to be.”
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How Can Anyone Be Happy In This Confusing, Chaotic World? by John Cali

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Many of us measure happiness by external criteria—how much money we have, what kind of house we live in, how many friends we have, etc. But those things can, and will, change. Then we’re unhappy.

The money, the house, the friends—those are the “reasons” we use to be happy. But they are never the cause of our happiness. So what is the real cause of happiness?

US President Abraham Lincoln said “A man is about as happy as he makes up his mind to be.”Read more