Euthanasia For Animals

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 4

After our Death and Euthanasia post a few weeks ago, several of our readers asked us to talk about euthanasia as related to animals.


One of our readers commented, “Please talk about euthanizing pets. Most of us can’t tell what the animal would want.”

Another added “Please do address thJ8Fcx4Mfd32ssnev@x9G7ske topic when pets/animals go through physical suffering and how we can be of better assistance to them. Thanks again for doing such a great service for all of us!”Read more

Is the Afterlife (Life After Death) Impossible?

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 7

The afterlife is the belief that an essential part of an individual’s identity, or the stream of consciousness, continues to manifest after the death of the physical body. ~ Wikipedia

So what do you believe? Do we simply cease to exist after our physical bodies die? Or does some part of us live forever? Is there such a thing as the afterlife?

One scientist, Dr. Sean Carroll, physics professor at California Institute of Technology, has this to say:

“Claims that some form of consciousness persists after our bodies die and decay into their constituent atoms face one huge, insuperable obstacle…within (the laws of physics)…there’s no way…for the information stored in our brains to persist after we die….Read more

Where Do Dead People Go? Part 2 by John Cali


Last week we talked about life after death, and we had a pretty good response to it. We’re going to talk about it a bit more this week. Actually, we’re going to talk about life before death, a subject we’ve rarely discussed.

Over the years I’ve been honored to be at the “death beds” of some of my close family, though not recently. Although I wasn’t uncomfortable with it, I did not always know what to say to them, or to the other family members who don’t see death in the same positive way I do.Read more

Where Do Dead People Go? by John Cali


One of our readers asked us what life after death is like. Death is a subject many of us avoid if at all possible. Why do you suppose that is? Probably because we fear it more than anything. And why do you suppose that is?

My personal opinion is we fear death because we often consider it the end of us. Even many who say they believe in the afterlife are scared of death. I think that’s because we do not know what death really is.Read more

Is There An Afterlife? by John Cali

One of our readers recently sent us a question about the afterlife. Here’s her letter (which I’ve partially edited to omit unrelated information):

 “Lately I’ve been wondering if there really is an afterlife, a creator….My brother died about a month ago, and my thoughts have turned to what happens when you die. I have so much doubt right now. Maybe we are just an accident of the universe.”

 Here’s Spirit’s reply:

 There are no accidents. There are no coincidences. We—all of us in spirit and all of you in physical—are eternal.Read more