The Spirit Cat Follow-up

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In our last post we talked about our encounter with a so-called “spirit cat.”

This week, we’re discussing another peculiar situation with this cat.

After we left the cat, we drove 5 kilometers north. There we came upon an attractive small, white 13th century church and, behind it, a graveyard. A beautiful white light was shining down from the sky on the back of the church.

While Berna walked to the graveyard, I walked around to the other side of the church.Read more

How Do You Uncreate Something You Do Not Want? by John Cali and Spirit

I have told you that you create your dreams, in actuality, not in theory alone. You create an actuality, a dream universe, as real as the physical universe. It simply cannot be directly perceived within the physical universe. ~ Seth, as channelled by Jane Roberts

Pillars of CreationPillars of Creation
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

One of our readers, in response to our recent post, Being Happy Is Simple and Easy, wrote us last week. He was asking about something Spirit said in that post:

Anything other than what is real is just a passing illusion.Read more

What Are Parallel Realities? by John Cali

Many years ago when I first moved to Wyoming, I became good friends with Jim, my next-door neighbor. After a couple years I moved out of the neighborhood and we lost track of each other.

I ran into Jim again at a party about four years ago. We were having a friendly chat when I mentioned the time we were next-door neighbors. A blank look came over his face. He said he’d never lived in that house. In fact, he said, he didn’t even know me back then.Read more