Churches At War

posted in: Blog, channeling, Global oneness | 2

We realize that might be a crazy-sounding title. Churches don’t go to war. Or do they?


When Berna and Johnny were growing up in the Roman Catholic Church, the church defined what it called a “just war.” In other words, war (and all its brutality) was justified under conditions the Church defined.

Many years ago, our friend Seth said “There is never any justification for violence, for hatred, for murder.”

What’s the answer? Is there any single answer?

We will side with Seth.Read more

Is Peace on Earth An Impossible Dream? John Cali

Our thoughts turn to peace on earth every year at this holiday season. That’s particularly appropriate this year, as we’re preoccupied not only with conflicts around the world, but also with the all-too-frequent and vicious violence in the United States.

As you all know, 27 adults and children died in a bloodbath at a school in Connecticut last week. Then the gunman killed himself, bringing the death toll to 28.

Here are a few of Spirit’s thoughts about all this:

  • You have somehow been convinced there is not enough room for all of you on your planet.

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Remembering Violence and Terror by John Cali

You may recall it was 10 years ago this month the Washington, DC area in the United States was terrorized for 23 days by mysterious, random sniper shootings. Before the police found the two killers, 3 people were wounded and 10 killed. All 13 were strangers to the killers.

At that time I was temporarily living in the Washington area. I clearly remember the energy of fear and terror, as the whole metropolitan area was brought to its knees. Schools were turned into fortresses.Read more

Is Violence Ever Justified? by John Cali

Interesting question, and one that has been asked forever it seems.

One of my favorite spirit guides is Seth, channelled by Jane Roberts. Seth once said this: “There is never any justification for violence. There is no justification for hatred. There is no justification for murder.”

And he said this:

“No one dies who has not made the decision to do so. Your existence before and after death is as normal as your present life.”

Most of our world today condemns violence, hatred, and killing.… Read more