Cold-Blooded Murder by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 66

There is never any justification for violence. There is no justification for hatred. There is no justification for murder. ~ Seth, channeled by Jane Roberts

Boot Hill Tombstone Arizona

Graves of men killed in gunfight at OK Corral
Boot Hill, Tombstone, Arizona, October 26, 1881
Copyright © 2005 by Grombo

I realize that’s a strange title for a spiritual blog and website. Let me explain.

In our small town, a week ago today, two teenage boys shot and killed three people for no reason other than to steal their car.Read more

Politics and Capital Punishment by John Cali


Tim Kaine is a politician. He’s also the former governor of Virginia, a state that was home to me for many years. Kaine is one of the few American politicians I deeply admire.

A devout Roman Catholic, he’s a former missionary to Honduras. He’s a compassionate, genuinely caring man, an advocate of social justice, a positive political campaigner, and a highly successful politician who is admirably bipartisan. One of his political opponents describes him as “a really nice guy.” Kaine is now running for yet another political office—US senator from Virginia.Read more

Is Violence Ever Justified? by John Cali

Interesting question, and one that has been asked forever it seems.

One of my favorite spirit guides is Seth, channelled by Jane Roberts. Seth once said this: “There is never any justification for violence. There is no justification for hatred. There is no justification for murder.”

And he said this:

“No one dies who has not made the decision to do so. Your existence before and after death is as normal as your present life.”

Most of our world today condemns violence, hatred, and killing.… Read more

The Death Penalty by John Cali

This may sound morbid to some folks, but I’ve always had a keen interest in death, even as young kid. So when two states, Georgia and Texas, executed two men the same night last month, that got my attention.

Quite apart from whether the two men were guilty or not (one’s guilt was virtually certain, and the other’s was in grave doubt), is the so-called death penalty justified?… Read more