The Myth of Heaven and Hell

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I don’t like to commit myself about heaven and hell. You see, I have friends in both places. ~ Mark Twain


Folks often ask us, in emails and private readings, what life is like “beyond the veil,” in the realms of spirit. In what you might call heaven (or hell). It’s a good question. So today we’re going to give you Spirit’s perspective on it.


First, there is no “veil,” no separation between you and us. That’s a story humans have invented.Read more

When Things Go Wrong, Let the Universe Take Over by John Cali and Spirit

Appearances often are deceiving. ~ Aesop


This past week I had an early-morning appointment. When I went out to my car, it was completely dead—no battery power at all. The battery was brand-new. At first, I started moaning, “Why me?” But I quickly caught myself and stopped that line of thinking dead in its tracks.

Why not me? I knew there was a good reason for this unpleasant surprise. I knew it was something other than what it appeared to be.Read more

The Present Moment Is Your Key to Happiness by John Cali

We humans waste so much of our lives squandering our precious present moments with fear, doubt, and worry.

Here are two of my favorite quotations:

I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened.” ~ Legendary American writer, Mark Twain

The living moment is everything.” ~ English writer and poet D.H. Lawrence

It took me many years before I realized the benefits of living in the moment, and a few more years learning how to do it.Read more