Communication with Spirit

Since more and more people are awakening, more people are consciously connecting with non-physical sources. Therefore, we thought we’d make a post about this.


It is critical, in these wild times on your planet to stay connected to Spirit. Of course, you are always connected. You cannot be disconnected, for you ARE Spirit.

We know it’s tempting at times to question or doubt the information you bring through when you are speaking with Spirit. It does not matter by which name you call Spirit.… Read more

Oneness and Separation

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 2


How can you become one again if you do not first become fully aware of the many illusions of separation you have imposed upon yourselves?

Yes, you certainly are undergoing some serious and heavy challenges on your planet today. Challenges on every level—physical, emotional, economic, spiritual.

You should rejoice you are undergoing such challenges and changes!

The physical manifestation of that new energy flow may still, for a time, appear to you as pain. But your experience of it will be much lighter—and even joyful.Read more

Perfect Oneness

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 0

Chief Joseph Highway, Wyoming, USA

The great legendary Nez Perce Chief Joseph once said, “All men were made by the Great Spirit Chief. They are all brothers.”

I would, respectfully, slightly change Joseph’s words: “All people were made by the Great Spirit Chief. They are all brothers and sisters.”

In today’s chaotic, contentious world, it seems oneness, particularly global oneness, is simply a distant dream, destined to remain forever only a dream.

Will we ever achieve perfect oneness on this beautiful planet of ours?Read more

Celebrating Diversity and Embracing Oneness

posted in: Blog, channeling, peace on earth | 13

I like to believe that people in the long run are going to do more to promote peace than our governments. Indeed, I think that people want peace so much that one of these days governments had better get out of the way and let them have it. ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower, United States president, 1953-1961



If I asked you if you really wanted peace on earth, what would you say? If someone asked me that question, my answer would be “Of course I want it!”Read more

The Myth of Heaven and Hell

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 2

I don’t like to commit myself about heaven and hell. You see, I have friends in both places. ~ Mark Twain


Folks often ask us, in emails and private readings, what life is like “beyond the veil,” in the realms of spirit. In what you might call heaven (or hell). It’s a good question. So today we’re going to give you Spirit’s perspective on it.


First, there is no “veil,” no separation between you and us. That’s a story humans have invented.Read more

The Power of Oneness

“That the message We Are All One, interrelated, interconnected and interdependent, with God/Life/One-another, is the one spiritual message that the world has been waiting for to bring about loving and sustainable answers to humanity’s challenges.” ~ Global Oneness Day 2017 


As I’m sure many of you know, last Tuesday was the 8th yearly celebration of Global Oneness Day, sponsored by Humanity’s Team, founded by Neale Donald Walsch.

What follows is a bizarre true story of oneness, told to me many years ago by a dear friend who was there.Read more

There Is No Difference Between You and God

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 10

The kingdom of God is within us. The whole of the Godhead is to be found within our individual being, not in holy mountains nor yet in the temple at Jerusalem, but within us. ~ Joel S. Goldsmith



Usually when I channel my spirit guides I have a specific subject I want to discuss with them. But occasionally they will simply “pop in” and start dictating to me. So I quickly grab a pen or pencil and start writing. That’s how this short post came about.Read more

Oneness Is an Impossible Dream

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 8

Vasu deva kutum bakam. ~ Sanskrit mantra (The whole world is my family. From expanded awareness, I feel my connection to everyone.)



In this time of dramatic change all around the planet, it’s easy to lose sight of some basic facts of life:

  • We’re all in this together. We always have been.
  • There is no us versus them. There is only oneness. “Them” is “us.”
  • There are no boundaries except those we’ve created while laboring under the grand illusion we’re all separate.

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Reaching Beyond Belief and Faith

posted in: Blog, channeling, life purpose | 6

If we choose only to expose ourselves to opinions and viewpoints that are in line to our own, we become more polarized, more set in our own ways. It will only reinforce and deepen the political divides in our country. But if we choose to actively seek out information that challenges our assumptions and beliefs, perhaps we can begin to understand where the people who disagree with us are coming from. ~ Barack Obama




Many folks I’ve spoken with lately say they’re delighted 2016 is over.Read more

We Are One: Sequel by John Cali and Spirit

We call them dumb animals, and so they are, for they cannot tell us how they feel, but they do not suffer less because they have no words. ~ Anna Sewell


Black_Jaguar_(4375024092)Image Copyright © 2010 by Tony Hisgett

A couple weeks ago we published a post, We Are One, where we talked about global oneness, the unity of the human race. But we humans are not the only ones living on this planet. That’s an obvious fact. But when we talk about oneness we don’t always include all the other life or all that is.Read more

We Are One by John Cali and Spirit

We are one, after all, you and I. Together we suffer, together exist, and forever will recreate each other. ~ Pierre Teilhard De Chardin

Oneness_organisationImage Copyright © 2012 by Kundhan Karunakar

Although it’s almost a cliché, the phrase “We are all one,” is more true today than ever before.

In April 1986 CBS newsman Andy Rooney covered the triumphant homecoming concert of legendary pianist Vladimir Horowitz. Horowitz left his native Russia 60 years earlier, and this was his first time back.Read more

There Are No Strangers by John Cali and Spirit

Tenzin_Gyatso, The Dalai Lama

I’ve spoken before about Spirit using my challenges as “raw material” for their messages. Although this one particularly unpleasant challenge happened many years ago, I still vividly remember it.

One Saturday afternoon I locked myself out of my house. So I pried open a window and got in that way. The next-door neighbor saw me and called the police.

Several minutes later two police cars pulled up at my house—I had to prove to them I lived in the house.Read more

All Differences Are Illusion, Only Oneness Is Real by John Cali

Image by Kundhan karunakar

In David Thomas’ film, Tuning In, one of the underlying themes was the oneness of all creation. My spirit guides often say God is all that is. That includes all humans, all animals, all plants, the land, the sea—all life, animate and inanimate, on earth and beyond. There is nothing in all of creation that is not God.

If we accept God is in all that exists—is all that exists, then (obviously) we as human beings are all God.Read more

We Are All One by John Cali

Many spiritual teachers, including my own spirit guides, have said we are all one. But what does that really mean?

Here are some of Spirit’s thoughts:

  • You all decided, before you came to this lifetime, that you wanted to connect again, in the physical, with your soul family.
  • You wanted this lifetime to be fun and joyful—but you also wanted to expand your awareness of your connectedness to all that is.
  • We define God as all that is. You are connected to God.

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