Sexuality and Religion

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 4

Father James Martin is an American Jesuit priest. He’s a strong advocate for the LGBT community.

Lately, Father Martin has come under fire from conservative elements within his own Roman Catholic Church.

I graduated from a Jesuit college. The Jesuits are sometimes noted for their more liberal (humanitarian) approach to Christianity than other elements of the Roman church, including The Vatican.

Recently, Father Martin criticized his church in the new documentary, Building a Bridge, featured at the Tribeca Film Festival.Read more

Sex and Spirituality

posted in: Blog, channeling, life purpose | 2

A while ago, a reader asked us to talk about the spirituality of sex.

If you were raised as we were, in the Roman Catholic Church, you’ll undoubtedly remember sex was something you didn’t talk about. You got the idea it was evil. So how could it possibly be spiritual?

Among the Church’s rules was sex, and even thoughts about it, were evil. Except, of course, within the narrow and strictly controlled confines of marriage. Any violation was sure to send you to Hell for all eternity.Read more

Life’s Eternal Questions #2

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 2

. . .the meaning of life is the most urgent of questions. ~ Albert Camus



This week we’re continuing our question-and-answer series.


I think I once heard Abraham (Hicks) say that when someone is victim in a life-ending accident or crime, the consciousness pulls itself back just before the real experience, so that the human (body) doesn’t feel anything of it. I find that a very comforting thought.

I would love to hear Spirit’s perspective on this.


That is generally exactly what happens (though not always) in the case of a human or an animal dying.Read more


posted in: Blog, channeling, relationships | 0

orlando florida usa

Orlando, Florida, USA

June 18, 2016

By now the whole world has heard about the sad, tragic events in Orlando, Florida early last Sunday morning.

Orlando joins a long list of other places and times where the same sad events also happened: Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook, Fort Hood, San Bernardino, Aurora, and more.

Orlando is about more than gun rights, terrorism, security, etc. Unfortunately, some are exploiting the Orlando violence for their own political or personal agendas. But the primary issue is: Do we have the right to be who we are and to live our lives accordingly?Read more

What Everybody Ought To Know About Sexuality by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling, relationships | 17

Whether you’re gay or lesbian or straight, if you love someone and want to marry them, marry them….live and let live. ~ US Senator Alan Simpson, Wyoming


800px-Homosexuality_symbols.svgHomosexuality symbols, by Martin Strachoň / Wikimedia Commons

Over the years I’ve had several folks among my family and friends who were homosexual. They did not often talk about it with me, even though they knew I accepted them as they were.

But back in those days no one talked about homosexuality. Hell, we didn’t even talk about heterosexuality except in hushed tones, lest we be embarrassed if someone overheard us.Read more

Does Your Sexual Preference Really Matter? by John Cali

As most of you probably know, whether you live in the United States or not, gay marriage is currently a hotly divisive topic among Americans. Underlying that, of course, is the whole issue of homosexuality. For most of the United States’ history homosexuality was illegal.

Today we’re seeing more and more gay folks, including politicians and other public and private figures, “coming out of the closet” and admitting their sexual preferences.

In my personal opinion, this is a good thing. I have gay friends and family, and I love them as much as my “straight” family and friends.Read more