Life’s Eternal Questions #2

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. . .the meaning of life is the most urgent of questions. ~ Albert Camus



This week we’re continuing our question-and-answer series.


I think I once heard Abraham (Hicks) say that when someone is victim in a life-ending accident or crime, the consciousness pulls itself back just before the real experience, so that the human (body) doesn’t feel anything of it. I find that a very comforting thought.

I would love to hear Spirit’s perspective on this.


That is generally exactly what happens (though not always) in the case of a human or an animal dying.Read more

The Zen of War By John Cali

Philosopher Albert Camus said “Peace is the only battle worth waging.”

War and peace are much on the world’s mind today, especially with the recent Syrian crisis. And, of course, the other conflicts raging around the planet.

Here are some of Spirit’s thoughts:

  • You will never make peace with bombs and guns.
  • If you carry any hatred, anger, resentment, or bitterness in your heart, you are making war, not peace.
  • You cannot create peace by waging war. You cannot create peace by protesting war.

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Are You Happy? by John Cali

Spirit and I have talked about happiness many times over the years. Although they and I firmly believe we were meant to be happy in this lifetime, no matter what our circumstances, I know so few truly happy people. Often that’s because they look for happiness where they will never find it.

Today I want to share with you some of my favorite happiness quotations:

  • Remember happiness doesn’t depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely on what you think.

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