You Never Walk Alone

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 6

In this time of fear and isolation due to the coronavirus, many folks are feeling lost and lonely. But you never walk alone.


Many of you often feel disconnected, disjointed if you will, in your chaotic world today. But, as we and many spiritual teachers have reminded you, you never walk alone.

God will never abandon his children. God will never abandon her/himself, for you are all part of God. You are God.

The problem many of you are facing is you do not recognize the many ways God speaks to  you.Read more

Salvation by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, spirituality | 14

My salvation comes from me and only from me. ~ A Course in Miracles


I grew up in the Roman Catholic Church. Back in those days we were taught we could find salvation only through faithfully following Rome’s rigid rules and regulations. And if you screwed up (that is, “sinned”) your only hope of salvation was being forgiven by a priest in the confessional.

You were not worthy to approach God directly for forgiveness — or for anything else. There was a part of the Catholic Mass service, just before the communion, where we always said “Lord, I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall be healed.”Read more

8 Signs Your Ego Is Controlling You: Followup by John Cali

As promised, we’re doing a followup to our March 23 blog post, 8 Signs Your Ego Is Controlling You.

You may have noticed a common thread running through those 8 signs Spirit gave us in that post. To be honest, I didn’t notice it until I went back and re-read the post. That common thread is the lack of self-love.

So this week Spirit has given us some useful tips on learning to love ourselves more. Here they are:

  • Eliminate all self-criticism and self-judgement.

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Question: Should We Put Ourselves First? by John Cali

We received the following question from one of our readers:

“Should we put our self first in all things, or are we supposed to put others first?”


You’ve probably often heard these admonitions:

  • Think only of others.
  • Love others unconditionally.
  • Put others before yourself.
  • Be of service to others.

Those are noble-sounding sentiments. But they will guarantee you a life of misery and joylessness.

You serve absolutely no one if you do not serve yourself first. For it is only when you appreciate and love yourself first that you are empowered to fully appreciate and love others.… Read more

8 Signs Your Ego Is Controlling You by John Cali

What is your honest opinion of yourself? If you’re like many folks it’s probably not very high. Sometimes, perhaps often, you struggle with low self-esteem, a poor self-image. You find it hard to draw on your own inner resources to feel good about your life. So you become dependent upon resources outside yourself to make your life bearable.

Does that sound familiar? Is your ego making your life hell on earth?

Here are 8 signs your ego is controlling you:

  1. You think poorly of yourself because of all your past “mistakes” and “failures.”

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