Coronavirus Protection

I don’t pay much attention to the mainstream news media. Therefore, when a reader sent us a question about spike proteins, I didn’t know what they were. So we researched it.

Here’s the question:
What does Spirit say about how to protect ourselves who have not been (vaccinated) from the “shedding” of spike proteins from those that have been (vaccinated)?


The simple answer to our reader’s question is you do not need protection.

You are eternally safe in the arms of your Father/Mother God.Read more

The Flow of Life

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 6

Various statistical reports show Americans, and others living in the United States, suffering from an unprecedented degree of mental stress and distress.

These certainly are unprecedented times.

My mother, then barely a teenager, lived through the 1918 flu epidemic, also called the Spanish flu. She survived the flu herself.

Ever the eternal optimist till the moment she left us many years later, she always said “God will take care of us.” And S/He did.

Mom knew how to go with the flow of life.Read more

Your Body: Friend or Foe?

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 2

In the workbook for A Course In Miracles, one of our favorite lessons is “I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.”


While your true identity is not your physical body, that does not give you an excuse to misuse or abuse it. But that’s what many humans are doing today, for various reasons.

Your physical body is the “vehicle” you have chosen to help you accomplish the mission you’ve chosen for this lifetime.Read more

The Power of Touch

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 8


As I’m sure you’re all aware, “social distancing” has restricted our physical actions around other people. From what we’ve been seeing, one of the most difficult challenges is to avoid touching others, even those we love. No hugging, kissing, or any other physical contact.

It’s a not-so-gentle reminder of the power of touch, and how we miss it.


The power of touch is a fascinating subject, especially for those of us in spirit. Humans, in their physical bodies, are keenly aware, especially in this challenging time on your planet, of the power of physical touch.Read more

Love and Politics

posted in: Blog, channeling, relationships | 2


In this era of bitter partisan politics, while the black cloud of the coronavirus is hanging over our heads, love might seem like a strange topic to talk about. Especially when you combine it with politics.

As you know if you’ve been with us a while, we have no political convictions or values. We’ve done our best to remain “above the fray” of politics over the years. However, earlier this week, on Mother’s Day, I watched New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo’s news conference.Read more

Abundance and the Coronavirus

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 6


Many folks, perhaps including you, are suffering financially because of the coronavirus. Some have lost their jobs, their life savings, nearly all their financial support. This includes some among our friends and families.

These times are among the most challenging and heartbreaking many have experienced in this entire lifetime.


Let’s begin with what money really is. It is not little strips of paper or metal pieces, especially so-called “precious metals.”

These things are valuable only because humans consider them valuable.Read more

Question and Answer Series #1—Protection From Harm

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 6

Lately, we’ve been talking about the coronavirus. While we do not want to dwell on it too much, we realize it’s been preying on nearly everyone’s minds.

As Spirit has said before, the fear around the virus is worse than the virus itself. The big question is “How much protection do you need?”

Lately, Berna and Spirit have held a series of question-and-answer talks. Occasionally, we’ll be using some of those for posts. Today is the first one.


Many years ago, I had a dream about standing in the middle of a cornfield, as a man, in the 18th or 19th century.Read more

You Never Walk Alone

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 6

In this time of fear and isolation due to the coronavirus, many folks are feeling lost and lonely. But you never walk alone.


Many of you often feel disconnected, disjointed if you will, in your chaotic world today. But, as we and many spiritual teachers have reminded you, you never walk alone.

God will never abandon his children. God will never abandon her/himself, for you are all part of God. You are God.

The problem many of you are facing is you do not recognize the many ways God speaks to  you.Read more

Creativity and the Coronavirus

posted in: Blog, channeling, Global oneness | 7


You might be wondering what creativity and the coronavirus have to do with each other. Here are some ideas for you to consider.


The past few weeks, people have been experiencing much difficulty, fear, and pain. However, the situation around the virus has brought many good things on all levels and aspects of society. To mention a few:

  • Cleaner environment
  • No traffic jams and fewer car accidents
  • Parents are giving more attention to their children’s education
  • Family issues are coming to the surface
  • Deepened contact between parents and children
  • More than usual, elderly people talking on the phone with others
  • Beautiful initiatives to support people in need, and healthcare providers

There are also creative ways, often combined with humor, being invented for spending time at home, and for preventing further downfall of businesses.Read more

Coronavirus Follow-up


This week, Spirit has a few more words about last week’s coronavirus post.


When the coronavirus is over, you will enter into that golden age you have long dreamt of. It will be a time when you cherish and love one another more deeply than ever before. And  you will cherish and love yourselves more deeply than ever before.

There is nothing to fear

Your bond and love with the God within grants you immunity like nothing else can.Read more

Coronavirus Cure: Love


There is no passion so contagious as that of fear. ~ Michel de Montaigne


One of our readers asked us what country the coronavirus started in. Spirit’s short answer did not address that specific question, but the broader meaning of the virus.


Sometimes the universe will send you a seeming catastrophe in a blatant move to wake you up. (Coronavirus, for example.)

You, your world, your countries have been fighting and warring with each other for centuries. Where has that gotten you?Read more