Do You Have a Hard Time Loving Yourself? John Cali

As we move deeper into the holiday season, I see more and more folks getting stressed and overwhelmed. That’s not what Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, etc. are all about. They’re about celebrating the season, one another, and ourselves.

Yet many folks put themselves at the end of their long holiday lists. They don’t take time to slow down and enjoy the season. In short, they have a hard time loving themselves in their frantic rush to get everything done.

Does that sound like you?Read more

What’s the Difference Between Self-Image and Self-Esteem? by John Cali


There was a Gallup poll a while back about the self-esteem of Americans. It concluded 2 out of 3 (almost 70 percent) suffered from low or no self-esteem. That’s a pretty sobering statistic.

What’s the difference between self-esteem and self-image?

Most of us at one time or another in our lives build up elaborate self-images. They’re usually based on externals—how physically attractive we are, how much money we have, how many friends we have, how much worldly power we command, how big our houses are, etc.Read more

8 Signs Your Ego Is Controlling You: Followup by John Cali

As promised, we’re doing a followup to our March 23 blog post, 8 Signs Your Ego Is Controlling You.

You may have noticed a common thread running through those 8 signs Spirit gave us in that post. To be honest, I didn’t notice it until I went back and re-read the post. That common thread is the lack of self-love.

So this week Spirit has given us some useful tips on learning to love ourselves more. Here they are:

  • Eliminate all self-criticism and self-judgement.

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Question: Should We Put Ourselves First? by John Cali

We received the following question from one of our readers:

“Should we put our self first in all things, or are we supposed to put others first?”


You’ve probably often heard these admonitions:

  • Think only of others.
  • Love others unconditionally.
  • Put others before yourself.
  • Be of service to others.

Those are noble-sounding sentiments. But they will guarantee you a life of misery and joylessness.

You serve absolutely no one if you do not serve yourself first. For it is only when you appreciate and love yourself first that you are empowered to fully appreciate and love others.… Read more

How’s Your Self-Esteem? by John Cali

I’ve been away from home the past 10 days. So this week we’re revisiting an earlier article on that perennial problem so many of us have — self-esteem. Read the article here.

P.S. We’ll be talking more about self-esteem in our blog the next few weeks.… Read more

8 Signs Your Ego Is Controlling You by John Cali

What is your honest opinion of yourself? If you’re like many folks it’s probably not very high. Sometimes, perhaps often, you struggle with low self-esteem, a poor self-image. You find it hard to draw on your own inner resources to feel good about your life. So you become dependent upon resources outside yourself to make your life bearable.

Does that sound familiar? Is your ego making your life hell on earth?

Here are 8 signs your ego is controlling you:

  1. You think poorly of yourself because of all your past “mistakes” and “failures.”

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Botox Revisited by John Cali

A while back we wrote an article, Botox and Beauty. In that article we talked about a mother who was regularly giving her eight-year-old daughter Botox injections.

Just today I came across the story of a father giving his 18-year-old daughter breast implants. The father happens to be a plastic surgeon. He’s also done plastic surgery on two older daughters, in their early 20s, and other family members.

Quite apart from the ethics of a doctor operating on his own family, I was surprised (though I should not have been) at what the 18-year-old said.… Read more

Botox and Beauty by John Cali

I’m sure many of you have seen the news reports about Kerry Campbell, the mother who’s been regularly giving her 8-year-old daughter, Britney, Botox injections. The mother-daughter duo even appeared on Good Morning America to talk about it.

Is our society so obsessed with physical beauty that many women will do anything to be Hollywood-thin and sexy? Even an 8-year-old girl, for God’s sake!… Read more

Self-Esteem by John Cali

A Gallup poll I recently read about said 2 out of 3 Americans suffer from low self-esteem. That’s almost a whopping 70 percent of the population!

John Cali

I’d guess the numbers are about the same for most other countries, though I don’t know for sure.

Other interesting facts about self-esteem:

Self-esteem expert and best-selling author Jack Canfield says the average child hears 432 negative statements every day, but only 32 positive statements.

The California Task Force for Personal and Social Responsibility has this to say:

About 80 percent of humans suffer psychological damage from words.… Read more