The Vision, Part 2

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Last week we spoke of a vision Berna and I had about a year ago. This week, Spirit will give us their thoughts about visions—what they are and why we experience them.


Visions, such as Johnny described last week, are far more common than most of you know. You just do not generally recognize them when they come to you.

First, let’s talk about who “you” are.

One of Johnny’s and Berna’s spiritual resources is A Course in Miracles.Read more

Running Fox: A Guided Meditation by Hans Brockhuis

Vulpes_vulpes_4Red Fox
Copyright © 2012 by Juan Lacruz

This time I would like to do a guided meditation together with you. So, if you want to go along with me this way, I ask that you find a familiar place, close your eyes and sit down comfortably. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Disconnect the ambient sounds and go along with me back to a time, a number of centuries ago, in a place that is today the United States of America.Read more