The Vision, Part 2

posted in: Blog, channeling, spirituality | 2

Last week we spoke of a vision Berna and I had about a year ago. This week, Spirit will give us their thoughts about visions—what they are and why we experience them.


Visions, such as Johnny described last week, are far more common than most of you know. You just do not generally recognize them when they come to you.

First, let’s talk about who “you” are.

One of Johnny’s and Berna’s spiritual resources is A Course in Miracles.Read more

The Vision, Part 1

posted in: Blog, channeling, spirituality | 15

About a year ago, Berna and I were spending the day at a lake up in the hills south of town. I was sitting at a picnic table just enjoying the cool, sunny day. Berna was taking a walk along the lakeshore.

As she returned to the picnic table, the lake was behind her. I watched her as she walked toward me. I glanced behind her and there, walking on the water, were one of my spirit guides and the one we sometimes call Jesus.Read more

Can We Connect With Spirits of the Dead?

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 4

The artist alone sees spirits. But after he has told of their appearing to him, everybody sees them. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


happy spirits


A while back, someone on Quora, a question-and-answer forum, asked if it was possible to connect with the spirits of dead people. Here’s the answer we gave, slightly edited:

You are already connected to the spirits of the “dead,” at least those who were close to you in life. And they want to communicate with you.Read more

Messages From Life’s Other Side by John Cali and Spirit

Those on the other side want to talk to you as much as you want to talk to them. ~ John Holland, psychic medium

© 2014 by John Cali

I had an unusual experience a few days ago with Cassie, my brother’s and sister-in-law’s cat.

I was house-sitting for them while they were out of town. Cassie is quite a character, and amazingly intelligent. I often talk to her in ordinary English (and telepathically too). She always understands.Read more

The Scent of Roses by John Cali

Image by Bff

One of the most common questions we get in personal readings is “How can I contact my spirit guides?”

The short answer to that is “You don’t have to contact them—they will contact you.”

That sounds like a contradiction since so many people want to contact their guides, but are not succeeding. The reason they are not succeeding is they are not paying attention when the guides actually do contact them—and so they miss an opportunity to connect.… Read more