A Funny Ghost Story by John Cali and Spirit

The artist alone sees spirits. But after he has told of their appearing to him, everybody sees them. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Copyright  © 2013 by John Cali

I’m getting ready to return home from this past Thanksgiving week. So this is a short post, perhaps the shortest we’ve ever done.

You may remember a post we did last year, Farewell To Caesar, about the death of Caesar, a cat in my family.

Since he died Caesar has come to me quite a few times.… Read more

Crossing the Rainbow Bridge by John Cali

MegggieCopyright © 2013 by Barbara Clark

Yesterday morning another one of our furry family crossed over to the far side of the Rainbow Bridge—that place where we will all meet again some day.

Here are some of Spirit’s comforting words to soothe us in those times when our loved ones cross over:

  • Your “dead” animals often return to visit you. (As do your human loved ones.)
  • They often have a desire, from beyond the grave, to help you and to continue loving you.

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He Was Just a Dog by John Cali

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This week I’ve been “babysitting” my brother’s and sister-in-law’s elderly, ailing cat Caesar while they’re travelling. I had to take Caesar to his veterinarian for a checkup a couple days ago. While in the waiting room I spied a book called Animals Are Soul Too! As I scanned through the book I realized it was filled with stories of animals acting more like humans than, well, animals.

When the vet’s assistant carried Caesar back into the waiting room she looked sad.Read more

Talking To Animals: Followup by John Cali

I thought we’d follow up our last blog post, Talking To Animals, with some of Spirit’s thoughts on animals, specifically domestic household pets.


Pets are not in your lives solely for your entertainment, though they certainly do entertain you. More importantly, pets are here as your teachers and, often, your healers.

You have a phrase bandied about much – “dumb” animals. By “dumb” you generally mean “stupid.” Or at least something less than human intelligence.

Nothing could be farther from the truth.… Read more