Messages From Life’s Other Side by John Cali and Spirit

Those on the other side want to talk to you as much as you want to talk to them. ~ John Holland, psychic medium

© 2014 by John Cali

I had an unusual experience a few days ago with Cassie, my brother’s and sister-in-law’s cat.

I was house-sitting for them while they were out of town. Cassie is quite a character, and amazingly intelligent. I often talk to her in ordinary English (and telepathically too). She always understands.Read more

We Are One: Sequel by John Cali and Spirit

We call them dumb animals, and so they are, for they cannot tell us how they feel, but they do not suffer less because they have no words. ~ Anna Sewell


Black_Jaguar_(4375024092)Image Copyright © 2010 by Tony Hisgett

A couple weeks ago we published a post, We Are One, where we talked about global oneness, the unity of the human race. But we humans are not the only ones living on this planet. That’s an obvious fact. But when we talk about oneness we don’t always include all the other life or all that is.Read more

Talking To Animals: Followup by John Cali

I thought we’d follow up our last blog post, Talking To Animals, with some of Spirit’s thoughts on animals, specifically domestic household pets.


Pets are not in your lives solely for your entertainment, though they certainly do entertain you. More importantly, pets are here as your teachers and, often, your healers.

You have a phrase bandied about much – “dumb” animals. By “dumb” you generally mean “stupid.” Or at least something less than human intelligence.

Nothing could be farther from the truth.… Read more

Talking To Animals by John Cali

One of our readers sent us this question (which I’ve edited slightly):

Hello John,

I have been reading your posts on animals that grieve. Our house is been very active with pets for many years. In January, my daughter passed away, leaving her 3 pets for us to love. Not knowing much about the details of each one, we all took on new roles as caregivers.

My youngest son, who has Asperger’s (syndrome), adopted her dog, Twix. Twix is about 13 years old.… Read more

Pets: Our Teachers and Healers by John Cali

I just came across an article we wrote years ago, but never published on our website. I thought it appropriate this week since we’ve been talking about animals lately.


Your domestic pets, especially dogs and cats, are one of the greatest gifts humanity has ever received. We realize you sometimes take these delightful creatures for granted — just as you sometimes do your fellow humans.

Pets are not in your lives solely for your entertainment, though they certainly do entertain you.… Read more