How Much Protection Do You Really Need? by John Cali and Spirit

Angel_protectorAngel Protector Copyright © 2012 by Astrid Torres

I remember many years ago, when I first started on this spiritual path, some teachers advised to always protect ourselves when we talked to Spirit. The idea was that “evil” entities could attack us, even taking over our bodies and minds.

The Roman Catholic Church, who obviously believe in evil spirits, even have a procedure for removing them—it’s called exorcism.

I was never comfortable with the idea of needing protection. In fact, I never used any when I was channelling—I still don’t today.Read more

Are You Poisoning Yourself? by John Cali

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My spirit guides, or “Spirit” as I call them, have often counseled against immersing ourselves in the mainstream news media every day.

In this very short video, Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh talks about “mindful consumption.”


(Note from John: This message from Spirit is a bit sterner than they usually give us. But I think it’s a good message, and timely for our world today.)


As John said, we have often advised people to not “consume” a steady diet of mainstream news.… Read more