The Hidden Power of Forgiveness

In today’s partisan, chaotic world, we rush to judgment and are slow to forgive.

In Tina Spalding’s book, Jesus: My Autobiography, Jesus says “Judgment is the biggest crime that can be committed against yourself and against others.”

How often do we even notice when we are judging? In our opinion, not often.


One of the human traits we in spirit find fascinating is your reluctance to forgive.

When you perceive, in your limited vision, another has harmed you, you often focus on the “harm” and not on your part in creating that harm.Read more

There Is No Such Thing As An Incurable Illness by John Cali and Spirit

Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. ~ Hippocrates

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We recently received a letter from a good friend who’s been dealing with chronic pain and illness for years. I know there are people reading this who’ve had the same challenge.

So I offered to publish my friend’s letter in our blog with the hope those of you in similar situations will share with her your experiences, and how you’ve coped with it all.Read more

Did Your Family Give You Bad Genes? by John Cali

When I was growing up there was a belief among most of my family that certain illnesses were genetic. I bought into that belief for many years—until I realized it simply wasn’t true.

Our large Italian family had many folks with heart problems. Most of them, including my father, eventually died from heart disorders. Was that genetic? I don’t think so.

I had a dear cousin who was convinced he would die from a heart attack at the age of 55—the same age his father had died of a heart attack.Read more

What Did She Die From? by John Cali

The other day I was telling an old friend about the recent death of another friend we’d known since childhood. The first question my friend asked me was “What did she die from?”

Death has fascinated me ever since I was a little boy. Not in any morbid way, but just from a deep curiosity about what awaits us beyond the veil. As I worked more and more with my spirit guides over the years, I became more interested in not only what lies beyond the veil, but also what awaits us just before we leave our physical bodies.… Read more

Are You Poisoning Yourself? by John Cali

posted in: Articles, Blog | 5

My spirit guides, or “Spirit” as I call them, have often counseled against immersing ourselves in the mainstream news media every day.

In this very short video, Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh talks about “mindful consumption.”


(Note from John: This message from Spirit is a bit sterner than they usually give us. But I think it’s a good message, and timely for our world today.)


As John said, we have often advised people to not “consume” a steady diet of mainstream news.… Read more

Time and Disease by John Cali

posted in: Articles, Blog, healing, mind body soul | 20

John Cali

Spirit often gives me spontaneous messages, even when I have not intended to channel. Typically those messages are very short, and usually only for my personal benefit, not for the public.

However, Spirit obviously did not intend this message, given me in the pre-dawn darkness of a cold Sunday morning, only for my personal benefit.

Here’s Spirit.… Read more

Battling Versus Healing by John Cali

posted in: Blog, channeling, healing, spirituality | 1

I don’t suppose there’s any greater incidence of cancer in this little northern Rocky Mountain town where I live than anywhere else. But it seems to occupy a goodly amount of space in local newspaper articles.

One of the “common elements,” if you will, of those articles is the phrase “battling cancer.” Even those who survive have “battled cancer.” Those who didn’t survive “lost the battle to cancer.”… Read more