Sickness and Healing: Follow-Up

Several people questioned our statement in the Sickness and Healing post a couple weeks ago. The statement:

“…as spirit embodied physically, you live in the illusion of linear time…. healing can appear to take time. But rest assured, the moment you ask, in that moment, you are permanently healed.

Those ideas did not originate with us. You will find them, and related ideas, at least several times in A Course In Miracles. Here are a few examples.Read more

The Land of No-Time by John Cali and Spirit

To fly as fast as thought, to anywhere that is, you must begin by knowing that you have already arrived.

~ Richard Bach, in Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Seagull_(7035761371) Seagull, Copyright © 2012 by xlibber

Many years ago I had an unforgettable experience of being completely beyond time.

I’d left my house for a destination 10 miles away. I happened to check my car’s clock at the moment I started out. I was driving at the speed limit.

When I got where I was going, I checked the car clock again.Read more

What Is Your Soul? by John Cali

Image by Robin Hutton

One of our readers wrote us a couple days ago about last week’s newsletter article, How Do We Reconcile Reincarnation and Simultaneous Time?
Here’s what she wrote, which I’ve slightly edited:

I’ve often pondered on this concept. How does the non-linear time concept fit in with physical structures currently on Earth, i.e. the pyramids which were obviously created at a past time and endure now?

Perhaps (you could do) a blog on the soul—what it is, what it looks like, how big it is, what it does, what its relationship is to the incarnated personality and its relationship to Source energy.… Read more

Time and Forgetfulness Sequel by John Cali

posted in: Blog, channeling, Uncategorized | 13

Back in January we did a newsletter article called Time and Forgetfulness. The article was based on a conversation between Barbara Clark (whom I did not identify in the article) and one of my spirit guides. Barbara asked the guide why she forgets their conversations when she and he talk.

Since we published that article Barbara created a video of the conversation. So we wanted to share that with you today. Here it is.

Related posts:

Inter-dimensional Traveling
Can We Travel To Other Dimensions?
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Time and Forgetfulness by John Cali

Often, when I’m channeling my spirit guides, I lose all sense of time.

One of the people we gave a reading to recently said something similar. She asked one of my spirit guides why she forgets their conversations when she and he talk.

Here’s their conversation (with her permission):


Why do I forget when we talk? I don’t forget when I talk to physical human beings. Why do I almost instantly forget what you’ve told me?

Spirit guide:

It’s very common and the reason is that we are speaking to you from a place where linear time does not exist.Read more

What Is Time? by John Cali


Time is often the greatest challenge many of us face in our daily lives—specifically, the lack of time. Many of us are forever complaining we do not have enough time. But each of us has all the time there is. That’s a seeming dilemma—or is it? Exactly what is time?

According to my spirit guides, time is only perception. I agree with them. In the realms of spirit time does not exist. Spirit transcends time and space. Here are some of Spirit’s thoughts about time:

  • The more you rush through your lives, the less time you have.

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The Illusion of Time by John Cali

Plenty of scientific studies have shown people can project their thoughts to other people, as with mental telepathy. Most of us have experienced some form of telepathy. Today folks talk openly about it since it’s no longer a taboo topic.

Telepathy often happens instantly, with no apparent passage of time, and regardless of distance. Some studies have even shown when people send telepathic messages, the receivers get the messages days before they were actually sent.

How is that possible? If we believe in linear time it’s not possible.… Read more

Time and Disease by John Cali

posted in: Articles, Blog, healing, mind body soul | 20

John Cali

Spirit often gives me spontaneous messages, even when I have not intended to channel. Typically those messages are very short, and usually only for my personal benefit, not for the public.

However, Spirit obviously did not intend this message, given me in the pre-dawn darkness of a cold Sunday morning, only for my personal benefit.

Here’s Spirit.… Read more