The Singing Angel

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Recently I was in Ireland for a week’s retreat. The retreat’s focus was on the Aramaic Lord’s Prayer as taught by Jeshua (Jesus) to Jayem ( Aramaic was Jeshua’s original language.

At one point we were all chanting the first word of this prayer, “Ah bwoon,” for ten minutes. Each of us chanted at our own breathing rhythm. Sometimes I stopped to feel and listen, because the energies were so incredibly powerful and special.

One of us was a female singer with an angelic voice.… Read more

Your Body

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 2

One of our favorite quotes from A Course In Miracles  is in Lesson 204: I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.

Do you believe those words are literally true? Or are they just a “figure of speech?”


Your bodies are what you might call a “mixed blessing.” The importance you, as humans, place on your bodies is often inappropriate, to put it mildly.

Why do we say this?Read more

Do You Know Who You Are? by John Cali

Kirk Douglas, legendary American actor and icon, told a thought-provoking little story some years ago.

Kirk was driving down the freeway in southern California when he spotted a young man hitchhiking. He pulled over and the youngster jumped in.

It was only after he was in the car that he took a look at Kirk. With a shocked expression on his face, he blurted out  “Do you know who you are?”… Read more