About Prana and Food

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 4

If you take in prana (God energy) the right way, do you need food any longer?


When you bring prana, or God energy, into any substance you put into your physical bodies, the substance cannot harm you.

We don’t advise you to go without food, but you can reduce the amount you take in. It has to be a conscious activity. If you believe you must have a big breakfast. or eat three meals a day (a common mis-belief), then you do that.Read more

Your Body: Friend or Foe?

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 2

In the workbook for A Course In Miracles, one of our favorite lessons is “I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.”


While your true identity is not your physical body, that does not give you an excuse to misuse or abuse it. But that’s what many humans are doing today, for various reasons.

Your physical body is the “vehicle” you have chosen to help you accomplish the mission you’ve chosen for this lifetime.Read more

Is Fear of Food Ruling Your Life? John Cali

While the mainstream news media mostly focus on “bad” news, occasionally they will come out with something positive. The other day I read an article talking about all the scientific studies done over the years on the link between food and cancer.

Since this is the holiday season, when food plays a larger-than-normal role in our lives, I thought this would be a good subject for today.

It seems almost every type of food we put into our bodies every day has, at one time or another, been labeled a cancer risk.Read more

Addictions by John Cali

When we talk about addictions, we usually think of such issues as drugs, alcohol, sex, tobacco, food, etc. But addictions are not limited to those.

Until the past few years, in my own personal thinking, I had pretty much limited my idea of addictions to those. But there are far more addictions than the “standard” ones. And, in my opinion, our society mostly fails to understand and treat the underlying causes of addictions.

Here’s Spirit.


You all came to this incarnation with the innate knowing that feeling good is your natural state of being.… Read more

Is Food Your Friend or Foe? by John Cali

There are so many articles about food on the internet today, it’s often mind-boggling. The articles cover just about every food subject you can imagine: dieting (a big one), additives, preservatives, processing, genetic modifying, vegetarianism, etc. etc.

Are you confused? I can certainly understand if you are. Even the “experts” seem confused at times. I’ve got friends and family who analyze their food endlessly before they dare to take a bite. I used to be that way myself. I’m a vegetarian now, and that certainly makes things a little simpler.… Read more