There Is No Such Thing As An Incurable Illness by John Cali and Spirit

Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. ~ Hippocrates

Image Copyright © 2008 by

We recently received a letter from a good friend who’s been dealing with chronic pain and illness for years. I know there are people reading this who’ve had the same challenge.

So I offered to publish my friend’s letter in our blog with the hope those of you in similar situations will share with her your experiences, and how you’ve coped with it all.Read more

Channelling, Imagination, and Trust by John Cali and Spirit

Everything you can imagine is real.” ~ Pablo Picasso

Angel_Candle_LightImage Copyright © 2011 by Gowri Sanka

In my work people often ask my spirit guides or me how they can learn to channel. While we don’t teach channelling, I am always glad to share with folks my experiences in learning to channel, and in now actually doing it as my only work.

So I’d like to share with you today how it all started for me. If you’re interested in channelling I hope my experiences will give you the incentive to just go ahead and do it.Read more

How To Have a Healthy Body All Your Life by John Cali and Spirit

Hope_Peace_Joy_(4207698474)Holiday Candles by Rennett Stowe

With the holidays upon us again, our thoughts turn to celebrations. And celebrations sometimes lead to overindulgence. Overindulgence, in turn, leads to thoughts of how we can create healthier bodies.

Here are a few tips from Spirit.


  • Love your body unconditionally—exactly as it is right here and right now. It is part of you, your spirit. You chose it—now cherish it for the gift it is.
  • Your body needs quiet time—meditate regularly. It doesn’t have to be a long time.

Read more

The Scent of Roses by John Cali

Image by Bff

One of the most common questions we get in personal readings is “How can I contact my spirit guides?”

The short answer to that is “You don’t have to contact them—they will contact you.”

That sounds like a contradiction since so many people want to contact their guides, but are not succeeding. The reason they are not succeeding is they are not paying attention when the guides actually do contact them—and so they miss an opportunity to connect.… Read more

What’s Wrong with Me? by John Cali

Image Credits

An old friend (she’s not old, but we’ve been friends many years) wrote me an email recently. With her permission, here it is:

Hi John,

It’s been a while, I know, hope this email finds you well. Am still enjoying your newsletters and blogs muchly…

There is something I’ve pondered for a while now regarding Law Of Attraction, whenever you have the time I would really appreciate your insight. Feeling major failure here….been on this path for quite a few years and still not manifesting my “deepest desires”….Read more

Cold-Blooded Murder by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 66

There is never any justification for violence. There is no justification for hatred. There is no justification for murder. ~ Seth, channeled by Jane Roberts

Boot Hill Tombstone Arizona

Graves of men killed in gunfight at OK Corral
Boot Hill, Tombstone, Arizona, October 26, 1881
Copyright © 2005 by Grombo

I realize that’s a strange title for a spiritual blog and website. Let me explain.

In our small town, a week ago today, two teenage boys shot and killed three people for no reason other than to steal their car.Read more

The Challenges of Romantic Relationships by John Cali


Romantic_sunsetRomantic Sunset
Image © 2013 by rabiem


One of the biggest issues folks want to talk about, especially in personal readings with my spirit guides, is relationships—particularly romantic relationships. As we all know, even the closest, most loving relationships have their challenges, their ups and downs.

Here is a perspective on romantic relationships from one of my spirit guides:

Remember what you felt at the outset: the passion, the pleasure, the sheer joy of being in each other’s physical presence.Read more