Reader Question: How Does the Changing Energy of This Time Affect Us Physically? by John Cali

A while back a reader asked us that question. Here’s her full question:

I do have a question. It is about the changing energy of this time and how it affects us physically. I have been reading quite a few blogs that say we may be feeling tired or less than our usual selves because of adjusting to the increasing energy/vibration of this year and I wasn’t sure how to think about it.

Are we (as Abraham sometimes says) making too much of all of this?… Read more

What Did She Die From? by John Cali

The other day I was telling an old friend about the recent death of another friend we’d known since childhood. The first question my friend asked me was “What did she die from?”

Death has fascinated me ever since I was a little boy. Not in any morbid way, but just from a deep curiosity about what awaits us beyond the veil. As I worked more and more with my spirit guides over the years, I became more interested in not only what lies beyond the veil, but also what awaits us just before we leave our physical bodies.… Read more

Reader Question: How Do We Know Our True Path? by John Cali

One of our readers recently asked us that question. Here’s his full question, which I’ve edited slightly:

“How do we know our true path? Our true spiritual teacher? Or who to follow?”

Here’s Spirit’s response.


This is a good question, one we’ve been asked many times over the years.

You’re probably aware of the recent controversies surrounding some of your religious and spiritual teachers — or gurus, as you sometimes call them. Particularly those whose gatherings have not turned out well.… Read more

Reader Question: What and Where Is Heaven? by John Cali

That title was a question a reader asked us recently.


Many humans think of heaven as a place. Just as those who believe in hell think of it also as a place. But where do you think those places would be? They are certainly not physical places because you cannot take your physical bodies with you after you die.

Let us say this: Heaven is whatever you want it to be. After all, you do create your own realities while you are on your physical earth in your physical bodies.… Read more

Reader Question: What Is the Right Way To Meditate? by John Cali

In response to our last article on meditation, we received a question from one of our readers.

Reader’s Question:

I would really like you to go more in-depth about meditation, John. I never know if I’m doing it “right.” The worst thing is I often fall asleep when meditating, and from what I’ve read, that’s not good. Could you describe a good way to practice it? Much appreciation, John.

My Response:

As I see it, there are no “right” or “wrong” ways to meditate.… Read more

Reader Question: What Stories Do You Tell About Yourself? by John Cali

When we were younger my family and friends loved to sit around a campfire telling stories. The stories were often about our own lives — the joys, the sorrows, the good times, the tough times.

Often we believed those stories defined us. Yet, as Deepak Chopra says, “Freedom lies in separating yourself from your story.”

Last month after we published our newsletter article What’s Your Story? one of our readers sent us a question.

Reader’s Question:

The reader first quotes the final paragraph of our article, followed by his question, which I’ve edited slightly.… Read more

Reader Question: What Is It Like After We Die? by John Cali

Reader’s Question:

I often watch a television show in which they interview people who have died due to various circumstances, have seen the other side in their Spirit form, only to be brought back to life.

The majority of those people who have seen the other side have a very similar story/experience about being in pure bliss, being there in non-physical form, etc. However, once in a while, there are those people who see something they perceive to be a glimpse of “hell” or someplace that elicits feelings of fear.… Read more

The Heart of the Matter by John Cali

Medical research shows most heart attacks happen between 6:00 a.m. and noon, with Monday mornings being the most common time.

You don’t have to be a cardiologist to understand the research. As with so many other dis-eases, heart problems are often caused by stress. The first part of the day is the most stressful for many, as they contemplate all they have to do that day.

But why Monday mornings? Well, you could make a logical argument that since Mondays are the first day of most people’s work week, that’s the time of highest stress — especially if you hate your job.… Read more

The Far Side of The Rainbow Bridge by John Cali & Barbara Clark

We recently wrote an article, Farewell to Rosie, about the death of Barbara Clark’s dog, Rosie on May 2. After she died Barbara and I were talking on the phone that same day. Rosie suddenly appeared to me.

She gave me a short, clear message she wanted me to convey to Barbara. She said “I love you, Mom. Thank you for everything.”

For about a week after she died Rosie continued giving me short messages for Barbara, usually when Barbara and I were talking on the phone.… Read more

Heart to Heart by John Cali


Last week I finished reading a wonderfully uplifting book called Heart to Heart, from which I took the title of this week’s newsletter article. 

John Cali

The book, by world-renowned British animal communicator, Pea Horsley, was a gift to me from my dear friend Barbara Clark.

The book, as you might imagine, is about Pea’s work with animals. She’s not only a gifted animal communicator, but also a great writer. In her warmhearted way, she’ll have you alternately laughing and crying as she tells of helping people the world over find lost pets.… Read more

You and Your Soul by John Cali

John Cali

We received an intriguing question from one of our readers recently. Here it is:

Having given this quite a bit of thought, I am still unable to grasp what part our soul plays in our earthly experience.

Can you shed some light on this?


First of all, friends, it’s important for us, at the outset here, to get clear on the relationship between you and your soul.

Your soul decided, before you incarnated into this lifetime, the where, the how, the who, etc.… Read more

Now Is All You Have by John Cali

About 25 years ago, when I first got serious about my spiritual path, I read all the Seth books. If you’re not familiar with Seth, he’s a spirit guide channeled by the late Jane Roberts in Upstate New York. Over the years, Jane and her husband, Rob Butts, produced many wonderful books of Seth’s far-reaching wisdom.

While some of Seth’s teachings went beyond my intellectual grasp, most of them resonated deeply with me.

I came away from reading and re-reading Seth’s books many times over the years with three major concepts.… Read more

Suicide: A Solution? by John Cali

John Cali

A reader recently wrote us this letter:

“Have you published anything about suicide? A friend of mine is depressed, and he’s considering it. I think it’s foolish unless there is absolutely no hope, and that’s an extremely rare case at best.

“Are there occasions when suicide is the only solution?”

Here’s Spirit.


We are delighted to offer you, for your consideration, our view of this often weighty subject.

Our reader asked if there are occasions when suicide is the only solution.… Read more

For Sale By Owner: Are You Getting What You Want Out of Life? by John Cali

John Cali

I realize that’s a screwy-sounding title. Let me explain.

The other day I was out walking home from jogging in my semi-rural neighborhood. I passed a house with a “For Sale By Owner” sign planted in the front yard next to the road. The only problem was the owners had parked their truck directly in front of the sign.

No one driving by would have been able to see the sign. The only reason I saw it was because I was walking.Read more