Playing at Growing Older by John Cali

Most of the folks I know, especially in my age group, dread growing older. And for many, when they reach a certain point, the process truly is dreadful.

But that is not the way it has to be. Nor, do I believe, is it the way it’s supposed to be.

Here’s a magnificent man who proves growing older can be joyful and fun.

And here’s Spirit


As we’ve said many times over the years, life is supposed to be fun.… Read more

The End of Life by John Cali

Last weekend around the dinner table, I was talking to some of my family about death. Not a subject most people want to sit around casually discussing at dinner. But death comes to us all, and we all think about it, at least now and then. Not necessarily in a somber, macabre way, but in simply acknowledging death is part of life.

Many years ago, I read the book Final Exit by Derek Humphry. As the book’s subtitle says, it’s about “the practicalities of self-deliverance and assisted suicide for the dying.”… Read more

Politics and Love by John Cali

Last week, as most of you know, we had some technical problems with our mailing list. The result was the link to our blog post, The Politics of Tragedy, wrongly redirected you to an earlier post titled Love.

Briefly, The Politics of Tragedy talked about how US President Obama and Mitt Romney, his opponent in the upcoming presidential election, temporarily put aside their bitter, personal, negative attacks on each other in the wake of the mass murders in Aurora, Colorado.… Read more

Spirit Oracle Cards by John Cali

As you may know, we published our first Spirit oracle cards recently. They’re now available here:


So far the responses have been delightfully positive. Here’s an example:

“Brilliant Product That Connects Us To Spirit In a More Tangible Way!

“The messages are BEAUTIFULLY written. They’re truly oracles. The art work is also very impressive. It’s stunning the cards really answer a question I have in mind every time I withdraw one of them. Every time this happens my heart beats faster in total amazement.… Read more

The Politics of Tragedy by John Cali

Just yesterday we published a blog post, Politics As Usual. Here’s part of what I said in that post:

“I don’t pay much attention to politics and political news because it’s often so negative and adversarial. You know, politics as usual. This is especially true of my country, the United States. And it’s probably true of other countries.”

As many of you know, the current US presidential campaign has turned into a nasty, negative, and hostile thing. But today that changed, at least for the moment — because of the human tragedy unfolding in Aurora, Colorado, where many dozens were killed or wounded in a seemingly senseless act of violence.… Read more

Politics As Usual by John Cali

I know this isn’t exactly a “spiritual” subject. But, on the other hand, everything is spiritual.

I don’t pay much attention to politics and political news because it’s often so negative and adversarial. You know, politics as usual. This is especially true of my country, the United States. And it’s probably true of other countries.

I do not belong to any political party, nor do I have any political convictions. So I’m impressed when I see a US politician willing to go up against his own party in the name of decency and fairness.… Read more

Perspective Is Everything by John Cali

The comments we got in response to our last blog post, Hell on Earth, turned into a lively discussion on perspective. I found it curious to read all the various perspectives on perspective.

As we all know, our personal perspective can influence our lives positively or negatively.

Here’s a magnificent real-life example of how our perspective can powerfully and positively influence our lives. This one will probably bring tears to your eyes.

Over the years my spirit guides have talked many times about how perspective — the way we choose to view our lives, no matter how “good” or “bad” those lives may be — can either sink us or help us swim.… Read more

Hell on Earth by John Cali

 Death Valley

A couple months ago an old childhood friend died. I don’t know all the circumstances, as he and I had lost touch with each other some years ago. But I did see his sister not long before his death. She said he was well and happy. He’d been a marathon runner for many years.

Was there any connection between his marathon running and his death? I don’t know. Some medical experts say marathon running can actually damage the human heart, rather than making it stronger.… Read more

Spirit’s Friday Frolics — A Parting Shot by John Cali

As you know by now, we’ve discontinued our Spirit’s Friday Frolics because of an apparent lack of interest. However, we decided to do what you might call a “parting shot” — a last funny video sent to me by a dear friend. Thank you, Eoin!

I find it rather interesting we should be publishing this blog post about laughter on Friday the 13th — which, for superstitious people, is a day of “bad luck.”

As one of the folks commenting on the video said, “Laughter is a good medication for worries, sadness and depression….Laughter… Read more

Animal Angels by John Cali

Animal Angels

As one of our readers pointed out in a recent blog post, we often talk about animals in our articles and posts. One of the reasons is I love all animals, as do my spirit guides.

I’m away from home until next week. So we’re repeating one of our animal articles from half a dozen years ago. It’s a touching story that happened to me personally. It demonstrates we never lose those we love, even beyond the veil of death.… Read more

Joy Is What Life Is All About by John Cali

This is probably the shortest blog post we’ve ever published.

My spirit guides have said our only real measure of success is the amount of joy we feel as we travel life’s road.

Music has the power to bring so much joy into our lives, and to unite us with one another — to help us remember we are all one. En-JOY this video.

What brings joy into your life? Please share with us below.

We welcome your comments and thoughtful opinions, whether you agree or disagree with us.… Read more

Do Animals Grieve? by John Cali

Angel of Grief

One of our readers recently asked if animals grieve at the death of their companions. Here’s her letter, followed by my reply.

Dear John,

You regularly write blogs which are about animals, especially pets. Just a few days ago I read one about the attitude of animals towards death. This made me wonder about something related to that.

How do animals feel about another animal dying?

My daughter has had two small rats as pets for a couple of years.… Read more

Spirit’s Friday Frolics for July 6, 2012 by John Cali

This isn’t exactly a comedy video. But it is funny. I think you’ll find it uplifting and inspiring, as I did.


What are thoughts about Dorothy Custer? Please comment below.

We welcome your comments and thoughtful opinions, whether you agree or disagree with us. Please keep your comments polite and relevant to the topic of this blog post. If needed, we’ll edit for clarity. Also, we’ll delete anything we consider inappropriate.… Read more

The Dog Who Wasn’t There by John Cali

Photo licensed under Creative Commons Attribution generic license

In our last newsletter article, Materializing, Dematerializing, and Other Illusions, we talked about how physical objects can seemingly appear and disappear with no logical explanation. Today we’re continuing that topic, but with a strange, eerie twist.

One cold late February night 20 years ago, my mother-in-law died at home. My wife, her sister, and our dog Schnapsi, were with her the moment she died. I was at home a short distance away, and when my wife called I immediately went over.… Read more

Materializing, Dematerializing, and Other Illusions by John Cali

I’ve always been fascinated by this subject. But I didn’t really believe it was possible. That is, until I saw it happen right before my eyes.

One day many years ago I was leaving my office to go home. I went to my car, reached in my pocket for my car key. It wasn’t there. I looked in the driver’s side window, and there was my key, still in the ignition. Since I locked all the doors, I had a problem.… Read more

Spirit’s Friday Frolics for June 29, 2012 by John Cali


This is our second edition of Spirit’s Friday Frolics, a weekly blog post published every Friday.

As we all know, laughing and having fun are good for us. Spirit has talked about this many times. Here are a few snippets:

Laughing is one of the most powerful ways to feel good, and to heal. Best of all, it’s freely available to you at any moment you choose. Make your life a laughing matter. Then you will soar.

Your life is supposed to be fun.… Read more

Are You Burying Your Head in the Sand? by Barbara Clark

Image is under Creative Commons License

My spirit guides and I often tell folks to focus on what they want, not on what they do not want. So is it wrong to ignore what you don’t want, even if it’s right there in your face? Is that burying your head in the sand?

Barbara Clark shares her perspective and wisdom with us today.

Spirit often tells people that their bodies can heal themselves if they get themselves out of their bodies’ way.… Read more

The Power of Perspective by John Cali

Our perspective is everything, and it carries great power. Two people can be viewing the same event and come away with totally different, even opposite, experiences.

As I mentioned last week, we’re doing some major changes to our website, and it continues to take much of my time and energy. So once again this week we’re repeating an article we wrote quite a few years ago about the power of perspective.

Read the article here.


Are you challenged when someone has a totally different perspective from yours?… Read more

Non-Judgement Day by John Cali

One of my favorite quotations from A Course in Miracles is “Today I will judge nothing that occurs.” That’s a tough one for most of us.

I occasionally take a day to observe the ways I can be judgemental, and then consciously drop all judgement. I call it non-judgement day.

Here are some words of advice from Spirit.

If you could all rid your world and yourselves of judgement, you could create a much different world than you’re experiencing today. Judgement, harsh criticism, refusing to understand the paths of others — these all create more havoc in your world than all of your other perceived problems combined.… Read more

Spirit’s Friday Frolics for June 22, 2012 by John Cali

This week we’re starting something new: Spirit’s Friday Frolics. This will be a weekly blog post, published every Friday.

As we all know, laughing and having fun are good for us. Spirit has talked about this many times. Here are a few snippets:

Laughing is one of the most powerful ways to feel good, and to heal. Best of all, it’s freely available to you at any moment you choose. Make your life a laughing matter. Then you will soar.… Read more

Now Is Forever by John Cali

Many of us have trouble staying in the present moment. And yet, paradoxically, that’s all we have. The present moment — the now — is all there is.

Our video of the week features the song, Now, by Dave Carroll. The song is based on Eckhart Tolle’s popular book, The Power of Now.

We’re doing another major “facelift” to our website, and that’s taken a lot of my time and energy. So this week we’re repeating an article we wrote quite a few years ago, also about the subject of “now.”… Read more

Are You Doomed By Your Genes? by John Cali


I often hear folks saying “It runs in the family.” Usually “it” means a particular disease or illness. These folks typically believe they are doomed by their genes.

I had a graphic example of this in my own family many years ago.

One of my uncles died at the age of 55 from a heart attack. His son, a favorite older cousin of mine, was convinced he too would die at 55 of a heart attack. He had a happy life, a large wonderful family, and much to look forward to in the years ahead.… Read more

How Strong Is Your Faith? by John Cali

Just a few weeks ago, on Sunday, May 27, Mack Wolford, a Pentecostal minister in West Virginia, was conducting a Sunday service for the members of his congregation. That was his last day on this earth.

Pastor Wolford, a colorful and legendary character, believed Christians should handle poisonous snakes to test their faith in God. He further believed if he was bitten God would heal him. This was a regular part of his congregation’s religious services.

Wolford had no fear of poisonous snakes, and he’d handled them many times before.… Read more

Going with the Flow of Life by John Cali

I was brought up in the Judeo-Christian tradition, as I know many of you were. We were taught the only road to success was hard work through pain and struggle. I bought into that perspective for much of my life. But no more.

Here’s Spirit.


We talk with many humans struggling in so many aspects of their lives — work, relationships, health, even their spiritual paths. It does not have to be this way. As we’ve said many times, you certainly can grow through struggle and pain.… Read more

Reader Question: Is It Wrong To Feel Good When Others Are Suffering? by John Cali

Here’s an email we received a few weeks ago:

Hi John,

I just came home from seeing a friend I haven’t seen in many years. I told her about my children and grandchildren and she told me about her nieces and nephews, brothers and sisters (this woman never married). One niece and nephew are drug addicts, one brother and sister-in-law are heavy drinkers, another nephew is just bumming around with no job, another sister and brother are mentally incompetent.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I’m so fortunate to have such good kids who’ve raised wonderful grandchildren.… Read more