What’s Wrong with Me? by John Cali

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An old friend (she’s not old, but we’ve been friends many years) wrote me an email recently. With her permission, here it is:

Hi John,

It’s been a while, I know, hope this email finds you well. Am still enjoying your newsletters and blogs muchly…

There is something I’ve pondered for a while now regarding Law Of Attraction, whenever you have the time I would really appreciate your insight. Feeling major failure here….been on this path for quite a few years and still not manifesting my “deepest desires”….Read more

The Only Thing That Matters Is Love by John Cali

Here are a few of the most common questions we get in personal readings:

  • I want to work for myself, but how can I do it?
  • How can I find work I love to do?
  • How can I live my dreams?
  • How can I do what I love and still make money?

It’s obvious the old ways, the old energy no longer satisfy many folks wanting to grow spiritually—and wanting to find work that satisfies them and supports them financially.Read more

The Fear of Death: Sequel by John Cali


We had some great responses to our last newsletter article, The Fear of Death.

One comment Spirit made in that article is a tough one for many folks to accept. Here’s what they said:

Death does not exist. Let go of the fear of death, and then you will soar.”

At least several people were upset by what Spirit and I said in that article. Here are one person’s comments (unedited):

Just simply let go. Ah geez is that all I have to do?Read more

What Is Life All About? by John Cali

I’m away from home all this week—so we’re doing an abbreviated newsletter.

The question I’ve used as our title is one of those “eternal” questions. Questions you’ve probably asked yourself many times, as I certainly have.

In the video below we hear some pretty good answers to those eternal questions—and from a source that might surprise you. Enjoy!




What are the eternal questions you’ve asked yourself? How do you navigate through life when nothing is certain or predictable?Read more

How to Know When To Get the Hell Out of There by John Cali

Last week I had a long, vivid dream. When I finally awakened from it I was drenched in sweat, and feeling emotionally drained.

The details are not important, but in the dream I was in a dangerous situation where I felt vulnerable and threatened—and stuck.

Then it dawned on me I was not stuck there—I was free to end the dream. So I decided to just get the hell out of there. I woke up immediately.

I knew such an emotionally charged dream must carry an important message for me.Read more

The Zen of Living in Today’s World: 15 Ways to Find Peace in the Midst of Chaos by John Cali

  • Meditate. Every day if possible. It keeps you aligned with Spirit.
  • Always be good to yourself. You deserve it.
  • Look for the best in all people and all experiences. It’s always there, but you have to be willing to see it.
  • Never judge or criticize another. You see in them only a reflection of yourself.
  • Avoid those who complain constantly. Their energy is too negative for you.
  • Spend time regularly in nature. It will soothe and heal you.
  • Know the universe is abundant.

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How To Attract Your Soul Mate by John Cali

One of the most common issues people bring to us in personal readings is romantic relationships—an appropriate subject for today, Valentine’s Day.

People usually ask us how to find a romantic relationship, and then how to handle it after they’ve got “the tiger by the tail.”

Here are some thoughts from Spirit:

If you wish to attract your perfect lover, you must first become your own perfect lover. The law of attraction says like attracts like. You have many ways of expressing that—the rich get richer, the better it gets the better it gets, birds of a feather flock together, etc.Read more

What Is God? by John Cali

Have you ever asked yourself that question? I have, many times.

I grew up in the Roman Catholic tradition. We were taught God was a loving father, and also a harsh judge. We had this confusing notion of a divine being whose love or wrath would engulf us, depending on whether we did his “will” or not.

Heaven was our reward and hell our punishment—not a pleasant way to live your life, never knowing where you were ultimately going to end up for all eternity.Read more

The Power of Gratitude by John Cali

Today is Thanksgiving Day in the United States. It happens the fourth Thursday of every November, and is a national celebration of gratitude for all our blessings. Other countries also have national days of thanksgiving.

As a human race we have a tendency to focus on all the things going “wrong” with our world. But, as my spirit guides often say, there is much more going “right” with our world than not. We have much to be grateful for, whether we’re celebrating Thanksgiving Day in the US or not.Read more

What Are Coincidences? by John Cali

A couple nights ago I had an unusual dream. In the dream I was visiting my hometown in New York State. I don’t remember the details, but I do remember the feeling and the energy of the dream. It was one of the most peaceful dreams I’ve ever had.

The next morning when I checked my email there was a letter from someone I grew up with in my hometown. He and I are about the same age, and our families were good friends when we were kids.Read more

Why Do Disasters Like Hurricane Sandy Happen? by John Cali

As you all know, Hurricane Sandy devastated many areas along the United States east coast last week. Among the hardest-hit were the metropolitan New York and New Jersey areas.

Many folks are still reeling from the shock and the aftermath of that storm. Damage has been estimated at $50 billion. Nearly a million New York and New Jersey homes and businesses had no electricity, and vehicle fuel is in short supply.

According to weather forecasters, tonight another storm, a so-called “nor’easter,” will descend on the United States’ mid-Atlantic and northeastern coastal areas, including New York and New Jersey.Read more

You Are the Universe by John Cali

There’s an expression in Sanskrit, “Aham brahmasmi.” It means “I am the universe and the universe is me.”

My spirit guides have often said we are not our physical bodies. However, most of us identify the person we call “I” with our physical bodies. So if we are not our bodies, who are we? Where are we? What are we?

If the Sanskrit expression is right, and I believe it is, then whatever we perceive to be “out there” is really in here, within each of us.Read more

How Can We Help Others Heal? by John Cali

One of our readers recently asked us this question:

When a group meditates and sends love/light/positive energy to a place or people or situation, can this help with healing?”

He also asked several related questions. These included:

  • The ideal size of the group.
  • Specific meditations or techniques.
  • Whether a small group could positively affect our entire society.
  • The number of repetitions needed.
  • And, in general, how to improve a group’s healing effectiveness.

Here are Spirit’s thoughts:

The best way you can help others heal is to heal yourself first.Read more

Are You A Master? by John Cali

One of our readers had some interesting comments in reply to our recent blog post, Is the World Driving You Crazy? I’d like to share them with you today, especially with those who may have missed them.

Hi John and Spirit,

I love the opening of A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens!

First Line: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way–in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.”Read more

Remembering Violence and Terror by John Cali

You may recall it was 10 years ago this month the Washington, DC area in the United States was terrorized for 23 days by mysterious, random sniper shootings. Before the police found the two killers, 3 people were wounded and 10 killed. All 13 were strangers to the killers.

At that time I was temporarily living in the Washington area. I clearly remember the energy of fear and terror, as the whole metropolitan area was brought to its knees. Schools were turned into fortresses.Read more

What Are Parallel Realities? by John Cali

Many years ago when I first moved to Wyoming, I became good friends with Jim, my next-door neighbor. After a couple years I moved out of the neighborhood and we lost track of each other.

I ran into Jim again at a party about four years ago. We were having a friendly chat when I mentioned the time we were next-door neighbors. A blank look came over his face. He said he’d never lived in that house. In fact, he said, he didn’t even know me back then.Read more

Is the World Driving You Crazy? Part 2 by John Cali

A few days ago we published a blog post called Is the World Driving You Crazy? We got quite a few comments on that post.

One comment in particular caught my attention. I always read them all—and I appreciate the time and energy all of you put into your comments. So thank you for that.

This comment was from our dear friend, Ian Barnfield. I realize not all of you may have seen Ian’s comment. So I wanted to share it with you today.Read more

Is Suicide Ever Justified? by John Cali

In our last blog post, Is The World Driving You Crazy?, we talked about a family murder-suicide. I know this is a tough subject for many folks.

Objections to suicide, including assisted suicide, range across the spectrum—religious, legal, spiritual, practical, and so on. It’s a contentious subject with widely varying and conflicting opinions.

Years ago, in a message I found very comforting, Spirit spoke of suicide. Read it here.


Please share your thoughts with us below.

We welcome your comments and thoughtful opinions, whether you agree or disagree with us.Read more

Is the World Driving You Crazy? by John Cali

This past week’s newsletter article was Are You Trying To Save the World? Here’s our brief introduction to that article:

Lately, for whatever reason, I’ve been hearing a lot from folks having a tough time with what’s happening on our planet today—the wars, corruption, financial collapses, crime, etc. etc. They feel lost and lonely, despairing of ever being able to change things for the better.

Is our world going to hell in a handbasket? Is there any hope, any light at the end of the tunnel?”Read more

Are You Trying To Save the World? by John Cali

Lately, for whatever reason, I’ve been hearing a lot from folks having a tough time with what’s happening on our planet today—the wars, corruption, financial collapses, crime, etc. etc. They feel lost and lonely, despairing of ever being able to change things for the better.

Is our world going to hell in a handbasket? Is there any hope, any light at the end of the tunnel?

Here’s Spirit.


You did not come to this lifetime to right the wrongs of the world.Read more

What’s the Difference Between Self-Image and Self-Esteem? by John Cali


There was a Gallup poll a while back about the self-esteem of Americans. It concluded 2 out of 3 (almost 70 percent) suffered from low or no self-esteem. That’s a pretty sobering statistic.

What’s the difference between self-esteem and self-image?

Most of us at one time or another in our lives build up elaborate self-images. They’re usually based on externals—how physically attractive we are, how much money we have, how many friends we have, how much worldly power we command, how big our houses are, etc.Read more

Is There An Afterlife? by John Cali

One of our readers recently sent us a question about the afterlife. Here’s her letter (which I’ve partially edited to omit unrelated information):

 “Lately I’ve been wondering if there really is an afterlife, a creator….My brother died about a month ago, and my thoughts have turned to what happens when you die. I have so much doubt right now. Maybe we are just an accident of the universe.”

 Here’s Spirit’s reply:

 There are no accidents. There are no coincidences. We—all of us in spirit and all of you in physical—are eternal.Read more

What Is Time? by John Cali


Time is often the greatest challenge many of us face in our daily lives—specifically, the lack of time. Many of us are forever complaining we do not have enough time. But each of us has all the time there is. That’s a seeming dilemma—or is it? Exactly what is time?

According to my spirit guides, time is only perception. I agree with them. In the realms of spirit time does not exist. Spirit transcends time and space. Here are some of Spirit’s thoughts about time:

  • The more you rush through your lives, the less time you have.

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You Do Not Have A Soul by John Cali

I grew up in a religious tradition that taught us we could easily “lose” our souls if we did the “wrong” deed, thought the “wrong” thought, etc. etc. “Saving” our souls was our primary purpose in life.

That was then. This is now. And now I’ve realized we do not have a soul. We are our souls. Here’s what spirit said about it years ago.Read more

Are You Happy? Part 2 by John Cali

We had some interesting and insightful responses to our article, Are You Happy?, earlier this week. So today we’re going to talk again about happiness.

Here are a few more of my favorite happiness quotations:

  • Through practices of self-awareness, you will establish an unshakable baseline of happiness through all of life’s ups and downs. ~ Deepak Chopra
  • Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today.

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