Lessons From Bob the Barber

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One of the most common things my spirit guides tell folks in personal readings is how wise and powerful they are. Some do not believe it—they take the attitude that the guides must say that to lots of people. Which they do.

But what these folks fail to see is that we are all wise and powerful. We are all special.

I understand where people are coming. After all, our modern world is not always supportive, and often discourages thinking highly of ourselves.Read more

Does Your Sexual Preference Really Matter? by John Cali

As most of you probably know, whether you live in the United States or not, gay marriage is currently a hotly divisive topic among Americans. Underlying that, of course, is the whole issue of homosexuality. For most of the United States’ history homosexuality was illegal.

Today we’re seeing more and more gay folks, including politicians and other public and private figures, “coming out of the closet” and admitting their sexual preferences.

In my personal opinion, this is a good thing. I have gay friends and family, and I love them as much as my “straight” family and friends.Read more

What Is Life All About? by John Cali

I’m away from home all this week—so we’re doing an abbreviated newsletter.

The question I’ve used as our title is one of those “eternal” questions. Questions you’ve probably asked yourself many times, as I certainly have.

In the video below we hear some pretty good answers to those eternal questions—and from a source that might surprise you. Enjoy!




What are the eternal questions you’ve asked yourself? How do you navigate through life when nothing is certain or predictable?Read more

You Never Lose Those You Love by John Cali

I’ve taken that title from words my spirit guides have been using for years—usually when they’re talking to someone about the death of a loved one.

Here are some of their thoughts.


  • Death is not the end of you. It is only a new beginning.
  • Death is not the end of love. It is the beginning of renewed love.
  • Death is not serious. Life is not serious.
  • Life, whether you are “dead” or “alive,” is supposed to be fun.
  • Dying is the easiest thing you will ever do, as you’ve had lots of practice through countless lifetimes.

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How to Know When To Get the Hell Out of There by John Cali

Last week I had a long, vivid dream. When I finally awakened from it I was drenched in sweat, and feeling emotionally drained.

The details are not important, but in the dream I was in a dangerous situation where I felt vulnerable and threatened—and stuck.

Then it dawned on me I was not stuck there—I was free to end the dream. So I decided to just get the hell out of there. I woke up immediately.

I knew such an emotionally charged dream must carry an important message for me.Read more

The Magical Critters of Wyoming by John Cali, Barbara Clark, and Spirit

Wyoming deerWyoming Deer

Today Barbara Clark and one of my spirit guides talk about her experiences with the wild creatures of Wyoming.

If you’ve been with us a while, you know my spirit guides are fond of talking about animals—particularly about what great teachers and healers they are for us humans.

Barbara was here in Wyoming in summer 2012. In this video discussion, recorded after she returned to Scotland, she talks to my guide to get his perspective on the magical critters of Wyoming.Read more

Are You Spinning Out of Control? by John Cali

Many years ago I had a dear friend, now long gone, whose life was a near-constant struggle. He struggled with virtually everything and everyone, including himself. He once described his life to me, shortly before his untimely death, as “reeling from one crisis to another.” That was a pretty accurate description.

It’s not surprising that he lived out most his years that way, because he was one of these people who just had to be in control of everything and everyone.Read more

Do You Struggle With Self-Love? by John Cali

Recently someone close to me was doing her best to convince me it was impossible for her to love herself as much as she loved others.

And even if she wanted to do that, it would be morally wrong. Her spiritual beliefs had convinced her of that. In plain language, it would be a sin for her to ever put herself before others.

Unfortunately, this lady is not alone in her struggles.

This week we’re revisiting an article we wrote a while back.Read more

How Are Healing Miracles Possible? by John Cali

A good friend, Elsa Santos, emailed us to ask how healing miracles are possible. Elsa was responding to one of our posts, How Can We Help Others Heal?

Following are her questions. (We’ve abbreviated her email to keep this post reasonably short. We may address her other questions another time.)

Here’s Elsa’s email:

Dear John,

Thank you so much, first of all, for all the beautiful work you do with Spirit!

I´m both a healer and a translator, and I’ve had the honor and absolute privilege of translating and subtitling Tuning In in Portuguese.… Read more

What Is the Purpose of Animal Suffering and Death? by John Cali


We received quite a few comments on two of our recent articles, The Power of Animals and The Power of Animals, Part 2.

Pat, one of our readers, left the following comments and questions. With her permission I’m including them here:

John – first of all I wanted to say I just watched and enjoyed your participation in the May 2012 YouTube version of the documentary Spirit Channelers in America. The information is truly enlightening and sychronistic with my personal growth right now.Read more

Do You Ever Take Inventory of Your Life? by John Cali

The Greek philosopher Socrates said “The unexamined life is not worth living.”

That’s a pretty stark statement. But it makes sense to me. My spirit guides often advise folks, including me, to take regular inventory of our lives. The idea is to evaluate where we are in relation to our goals, aspirations, and dreams for ourselves and the path we are following.


In our view, it’s important for all of you to pause and take time out from your busy—and often stressful—lives.Read more

Do You Know How To Heal Yourself? by John Cali

As you can probably guess, healing is a subject that comes up often in my and my spirit guides’ conversations with folks.

I almost never get sick, but the past week or so I’ve had what I guess was a severe cold. I was pretty miserable most of that time, and I’m still recovering.

The experience got me to thinking about the many times my spirit guides have talked about healing—and how our bodies know how to heal themselves (if we stay out of their way).Read more

Time and Forgetfulness by John Cali

Often, when I’m channeling my spirit guides, I lose all sense of time.

One of the people we gave a reading to recently said something similar. She asked one of my spirit guides why she forgets their conversations when she and he talk.

Here’s their conversation (with her permission):


Why do I forget when we talk? I don’t forget when I talk to physical human beings. Why do I almost instantly forget what you’ve told me?

Spirit guide:

It’s very common and the reason is that we are speaking to you from a place where linear time does not exist.Read more

The Web of Life and Our Global Community by John Cali

We hear much today about our worldwide global community. With all the wonders our modern communication technologies have brought us, every part of our planet is only a heartbeat away from every other part.

We’re gaining a greater awareness of what our spiritual teachers and guides have been telling us forever—we are all connected. We are one, in every way.

This new year has started out with a big surge in my workload. So today we’re revisiting an article we wrote a while back, A Sense of Community.Read more

Another New Beginning By John Cali

Here we are at the beginning of another new year. What’s so special about New Year’s Day? Well, probably not much.

My spirit guides, as many of you know, don’t generally predict the future. But they did say recently 2013 would be a much easier year for those on a conscious path of spiritual growth.

Here is exactly what they said (to my partner Barbara):
For those of you who have been working diligently on yourselves, 2013 will be a year of peace and joy.”Read more

Merry Christmas! Bah, Humbug! By John Cali

One of my all-time favorite movies is “A Christmas Carol,” based on Charles Dickens’ novel of the same name.

As you probably recall, in the book and movie Scrooge showed his disgust for Christmas with the words “Bah, humbug!” He believed Christmas was just an excuse to spend money you didn’t have and to waste precious time in revelry and fun. Certainly a cynical view of what is for many is a joyful celebration, and a time for putting aside our differences and being just a bit kinder to our fellow humans—and to all creatures.Read more

Is Peace on Earth An Impossible Dream? John Cali

Our thoughts turn to peace on earth every year at this holiday season. That’s particularly appropriate this year, as we’re preoccupied not only with conflicts around the world, but also with the all-too-frequent and vicious violence in the United States.

As you all know, 27 adults and children died in a bloodbath at a school in Connecticut last week. Then the gunman killed himself, bringing the death toll to 28.

Here are a few of Spirit’s thoughts about all this:

  • You have somehow been convinced there is not enough room for all of you on your planet.

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Are You Giving Away Your Power? John Cali

I recently ran into a couple of old, dear friends, one in the grocery store and the other at my barber shop. Although I have no political preferences or convictions, my two friends certainly do—particularly regarding the United States’ recent presidential election.

It was obvious neither of them supported President Barack Obama.

My first friend said the US was going to hell in a handbasket, now that President Obama had been reelected. He said, in all seriousness, he didn’t know if he wanted to go on living.Read more

Is Fear of Food Ruling Your Life? John Cali

While the mainstream news media mostly focus on “bad” news, occasionally they will come out with something positive. The other day I read an article talking about all the scientific studies done over the years on the link between food and cancer.

Since this is the holiday season, when food plays a larger-than-normal role in our lives, I thought this would be a good subject for today.

It seems almost every type of food we put into our bodies every day has, at one time or another, been labeled a cancer risk.Read more

What Is God? by John Cali

Have you ever asked yourself that question? I have, many times.

I grew up in the Roman Catholic tradition. We were taught God was a loving father, and also a harsh judge. We had this confusing notion of a divine being whose love or wrath would engulf us, depending on whether we did his “will” or not.

Heaven was our reward and hell our punishment—not a pleasant way to live your life, never knowing where you were ultimately going to end up for all eternity.Read more

What Are Coincidences? by John Cali

A couple nights ago I had an unusual dream. In the dream I was visiting my hometown in New York State. I don’t remember the details, but I do remember the feeling and the energy of the dream. It was one of the most peaceful dreams I’ve ever had.

The next morning when I checked my email there was a letter from someone I grew up with in my hometown. He and I are about the same age, and our families were good friends when we were kids.Read more

Is It Really True That All Is As It Should Be? by John Cali

My spirit guides are fond of reminding folks, including me, all is as it should be. But is that really true?

The past couple weeks, the United States, especially the northeastern part, has been wracked with a series of devastating storms, including the monster Hurricane Sandy. Many people were killed, injured, and left homeless. It could take weeks or months for them to recover.

When we witness events like that, and all the other disturbing news we see nearly every day, I wonder how anyone, even the spirits, can say “All is as it should be.”… Read more

Why Do Disasters Like Hurricane Sandy Happen? by John Cali

As you all know, Hurricane Sandy devastated many areas along the United States east coast last week. Among the hardest-hit were the metropolitan New York and New Jersey areas.

Many folks are still reeling from the shock and the aftermath of that storm. Damage has been estimated at $50 billion. Nearly a million New York and New Jersey homes and businesses had no electricity, and vehicle fuel is in short supply.

According to weather forecasters, tonight another storm, a so-called “nor’easter,” will descend on the United States’ mid-Atlantic and northeastern coastal areas, including New York and New Jersey.Read more

Where Do Dead People Go? Part 2 by John Cali


Last week we talked about life after death, and we had a pretty good response to it. We’re going to talk about it a bit more this week. Actually, we’re going to talk about life before death, a subject we’ve rarely discussed.

Over the years I’ve been honored to be at the “death beds” of some of my close family, though not recently. Although I wasn’t uncomfortable with it, I did not always know what to say to them, or to the other family members who don’t see death in the same positive way I do.Read more

Where Do Dead People Go? by John Cali


One of our readers asked us what life after death is like. Death is a subject many of us avoid if at all possible. Why do you suppose that is? Probably because we fear it more than anything. And why do you suppose that is?

My personal opinion is we fear death because we often consider it the end of us. Even many who say they believe in the afterlife are scared of death. I think that’s because we do not know what death really is.Read more