Reader Question: How Does the Changing Energy of This Time Affect Us Physically? by John Cali

A while back a reader asked us that question. Here’s her full question:

I do have a question. It is about the changing energy of this time and how it affects us physically. I have been reading quite a few blogs that say we may be feeling tired or less than our usual selves because of adjusting to the increasing energy/vibration of this year and I wasn’t sure how to think about it.

Are we (as Abraham sometimes says) making too much of all of this?… Read more

What Did She Die From? by John Cali

The other day I was telling an old friend about the recent death of another friend we’d known since childhood. The first question my friend asked me was “What did she die from?”

Death has fascinated me ever since I was a little boy. Not in any morbid way, but just from a deep curiosity about what awaits us beyond the veil. As I worked more and more with my spirit guides over the years, I became more interested in not only what lies beyond the veil, but also what awaits us just before we leave our physical bodies.… Read more

Reader Question: How Do We Know Our True Path? by John Cali

One of our readers recently asked us that question. Here’s his full question, which I’ve edited slightly:

“How do we know our true path? Our true spiritual teacher? Or who to follow?”

Here’s Spirit’s response.


This is a good question, one we’ve been asked many times over the years.

You’re probably aware of the recent controversies surrounding some of your religious and spiritual teachers — or gurus, as you sometimes call them. Particularly those whose gatherings have not turned out well.… Read more

Reader Question: What and Where Is Heaven? by John Cali

That title was a question a reader asked us recently.


Many humans think of heaven as a place. Just as those who believe in hell think of it also as a place. But where do you think those places would be? They are certainly not physical places because you cannot take your physical bodies with you after you die.

Let us say this: Heaven is whatever you want it to be. After all, you do create your own realities while you are on your physical earth in your physical bodies.… Read more

Reader Question: What Is the Right Way To Meditate? by John Cali

In response to our last article on meditation, we received a question from one of our readers.

Reader’s Question:

I would really like you to go more in-depth about meditation, John. I never know if I’m doing it “right.” The worst thing is I often fall asleep when meditating, and from what I’ve read, that’s not good. Could you describe a good way to practice it? Much appreciation, John.

My Response:

As I see it, there are no “right” or “wrong” ways to meditate.… Read more

Reader Question: What Stories Do You Tell About Yourself? by John Cali

When we were younger my family and friends loved to sit around a campfire telling stories. The stories were often about our own lives — the joys, the sorrows, the good times, the tough times.

Often we believed those stories defined us. Yet, as Deepak Chopra says, “Freedom lies in separating yourself from your story.”

Last month after we published our newsletter article What’s Your Story? one of our readers sent us a question.

Reader’s Question:

The reader first quotes the final paragraph of our article, followed by his question, which I’ve edited slightly.… Read more

Reader Question: What Is It Like After We Die? by John Cali

Reader’s Question:

I often watch a television show in which they interview people who have died due to various circumstances, have seen the other side in their Spirit form, only to be brought back to life.

The majority of those people who have seen the other side have a very similar story/experience about being in pure bliss, being there in non-physical form, etc. However, once in a while, there are those people who see something they perceive to be a glimpse of “hell” or someplace that elicits feelings of fear.… Read more

The Heart of the Matter by John Cali

Medical research shows most heart attacks happen between 6:00 a.m. and noon, with Monday mornings being the most common time.

You don’t have to be a cardiologist to understand the research. As with so many other dis-eases, heart problems are often caused by stress. The first part of the day is the most stressful for many, as they contemplate all they have to do that day.

But why Monday mornings? Well, you could make a logical argument that since Mondays are the first day of most people’s work week, that’s the time of highest stress — especially if you hate your job.… Read more

The Far Side of The Rainbow Bridge by John Cali & Barbara Clark

We recently wrote an article, Farewell to Rosie, about the death of Barbara Clark’s dog, Rosie on May 2. After she died Barbara and I were talking on the phone that same day. Rosie suddenly appeared to me.

She gave me a short, clear message she wanted me to convey to Barbara. She said “I love you, Mom. Thank you for everything.”

For about a week after she died Rosie continued giving me short messages for Barbara, usually when Barbara and I were talking on the phone.… Read more

Reader Question: Is Out-of-Body Experience Safe? by John Cali

One of our readers recently asked if out-of-body experiences are safe. Here’s part of her letter:

“Is the out-of-body experience safe? Is there any advantage or learning that takes place during an out-of-body experience? I have had the feeling of about to go out-of-body several times but I stop it.

“My chiropractor told me that it is the soul trying to leave the body and that you may not come back if you allow this to happen. He also said if you are startled to come back quickly that this will cause major health problems!… Read more

How To Breathe by John Cali

Sounds like a silly title, doesn’t it? Breathing is the most natural process, requiring no conscious attention to it. But most of us don’t know how to breathe well. Nor do we know how to tap into the tremendous power of simple breathing.

My spirit guides often recommend conscious, deliberate breathing exercises, especially to those with anxiety, fear, and other similar issues.


One of the biggest challenges you face in your modern world is stress. Your technology, as powerful and useful as it is, is one major source of stress in your lives.… Read more

Farewell to Rosie by John Cali

Yesterday my dear friend, Barbara Clark, bid farewell to her beloved Rosie. Rosie, a rough collie, had been with Barbara over 14 years, almost since she was a newborn puppy.

I know many of you reading this care deeply for your own dogs, and for all animals. My spirit guides say we never lose those we love, human or animal. But still, we’re sad because we miss the warmth of their physical presence and the unconditional love shining brightly in their eyes.… Read more

The Power of Pets by John Cali

Today is the birthday of my last dog, Schnapsi. He was born 22 years ago, and he’s long since left me. But he’s still here.

Sound crazy? Let me explain — or, rather, let Spirit explain.


You never lose those you love. You can pierce the veil of death with your awareness that life never ends.

Death is an illusion you have forced on yourselves. It is no more an ending than birth is. It is simply a new beginning, a new phase of your lives — your lives which are never-ending, eternal.… Read more

What Is the Meaning of Our Dreams? by John Cali

A couple days ago a friend told me about a vivid prophetic dream she’d had. That night I also had a vivid dream. I was with one of my favorite cousins in a familiar setting — on the porch of the house in New York State where I grew up.

My cousin was making cynical, judgemental comments about a few people we both knew. I said to him “Why not assume the best about people?”

“Everybody?” he asked.

“Everybody,” I replied.… Read more

Reverence For Life by John Cali

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Last night I sat down at my desk to read an article on the human-animal connection. As I glanced at the article I spied a tiny, fuzzy, rather cute little bug crawling over the paper. Was that a “coincidence?”

My first thought was to squash the bug. But that was so contrary to my chosen way of life — I do not believe in killing animals, even bugs.

With bugs I usually pick them up with a special “bug box” I have.… Read more

What’s Your Story? by John Cali

One day as I was grocery shopping I happened to hear two ladies discussing their woes. I wasn’t eavesdropping, but could not help overhear them. They were not talking quietly.

Both were having health problems. They were describing their problems in great detail to each other. This went on for quite a while, and I finally moved to another part of the store, out of earshot.

I see nothing wrong with acknowledging problems, whether they be health issues or anything else.… Read more

Are You Stressed Out? by John Cali

One of the most common complaints I hear in my work is how stressful the world and our lives are. There’s too much to do, and too little time to do it in. There are so many distractions demanding our attention and energy. The world seems filled with bad news.

How can we avoid stress and find peace of mind? It seems an impossible task in an impossible world. But it’s far from impossible. Here’s Spirit.


Your world certainly seems filled with stress almost everywhere you look.… Read more

How To Harness the Power of Meditation by John Cali

In private readings Spirit often advises people to meditate. I think that’s great advice. I’ve been meditating over 30 years, and it’s immeasurably enriched my life.

So how can you harness the power of meditation? I asked Spirit that question, and here’s what they said.


The power of meditation lies in the fact it removes you from the distractions and attractions of your daily lives, for however long you meditate.

Meditation doesn’t have to take a long time. Even 10 or 15 minutes a day is fine.… Read more

The Price of Sensitivity by John Cali

One recent morning, as I was meditating, I felt a sudden, sharp, stabbing pain in my left leg. At first I had no idea what was going on.

The pain shook me out of my meditative state, and I got to thinking about what was happening. Then it came to me. A close friend was having some health problems, including sharp pains in his left leg.

I intuitively knew I was picking up from him the pain I was feeling. So I sent him love and healing energy.… Read more

8 Signs Your Ego Is Controlling You: Followup by John Cali

As promised, we’re doing a followup to our March 23 blog post, 8 Signs Your Ego Is Controlling You.

You may have noticed a common thread running through those 8 signs Spirit gave us in that post. To be honest, I didn’t notice it until I went back and re-read the post. That common thread is the lack of self-love.

So this week Spirit has given us some useful tips on learning to love ourselves more. Here they are:

  • Eliminate all self-criticism and self-judgement.

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Spirit Speaks Revisited by John Cali

(NOTE: We wrote this many years ago, but never published the full article on our website.)

This past year has been a most fascinating and challenging one for me. As I look back on it from the perspective of hindsight, I realize how much I’ve grown — or, I should say, how much I’ve remembered. I’d like to briefly share with you part of my journey this past year. Perhaps something in my sharing will touch a chord deep within you — and help you, if only in some small way, along your path of remembering.… Read more

Question: Should We Put Ourselves First? by John Cali

We received the following question from one of our readers:

“Should we put our self first in all things, or are we supposed to put others first?”


You’ve probably often heard these admonitions:

  • Think only of others.
  • Love others unconditionally.
  • Put others before yourself.
  • Be of service to others.

Those are noble-sounding sentiments. But they will guarantee you a life of misery and joylessness.

You serve absolutely no one if you do not serve yourself first. For it is only when you appreciate and love yourself first that you are empowered to fully appreciate and love others.… Read more

How’s Your Self-Esteem? by John Cali

I’ve been away from home the past 10 days. So this week we’re revisiting an earlier article on that perennial problem so many of us have — self-esteem. Read the article here.

P.S. We’ll be talking more about self-esteem in our blog the next few weeks.… Read more

8 Signs Your Ego Is Controlling You by John Cali

What is your honest opinion of yourself? If you’re like many folks it’s probably not very high. Sometimes, perhaps often, you struggle with low self-esteem, a poor self-image. You find it hard to draw on your own inner resources to feel good about your life. So you become dependent upon resources outside yourself to make your life bearable.

Does that sound familiar? Is your ego making your life hell on earth?

Here are 8 signs your ego is controlling you:

  1. You think poorly of yourself because of all your past “mistakes” and “failures.”

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Does Life Scare You to Death? by John Cali

Fear is one of the biggest challenges we humans deal with every day of our lives. But is there really anything to be afraid of — anything at all?

Does life scare you to death? If it does, a change in perspective is in order.

Neale Donald Walsch talks about the emotion of fear in this delightful video.

Since I’m travelling away from home this week, we’re resurrecting an old article we published on fear. Appropriately, it’s titled “Fear.”… Read more