When You Love Yourself Your Problems Are Solved by John Cali

Image by Saragutierrez06

My spirit guides often talk about love, including self-love. They say animals are among our best teachers in learning to love, especially to love ourselves. All love starts with ourselves. In today’s world we seeing an epidemic of self-hatred—the source of virtually all this planet’s woes.

As Louise Hay says, “Self-approval and self-acceptance in the now are the keys to positive changes….When we really love ourselves, everything in our life works.”

I grew up with some pretty dysfunctional people, some in my family and others among my friends.Read more

The Scent of Roses by John Cali

Image by Bff

One of the most common questions we get in personal readings is “How can I contact my spirit guides?”

The short answer to that is “You don’t have to contact them—they will contact you.”

That sounds like a contradiction since so many people want to contact their guides, but are not succeeding. The reason they are not succeeding is they are not paying attention when the guides actually do contact them—and so they miss an opportunity to connect.… Read more

Living In The Maze of Today’s World Is Easier If You Know You Are God by John Cali

This week’s article is adapted from a talk my spirit guides and I gave last week at Awakening Zone Radio.


Peace be with you!

We are delighted to be here tonight in this particular connection. We trust our words will resonate with you—and perhaps give you a greater sense, and a deeper sense, of who you really are.

Often the folks we talk with give “lip service” to the idea they are God, they are divine energy. When we remind them, some will say “Yes, BUT….”—andRead more

What Is Forgiveness and Why Do You Need It? by John Cali

Auschwitz, Nazi Prison Camp

I have a childhood friend, Sue (not her real name) who hates her mother. And her mother’s been dead for years! But Sue has not let go of her hatred. It’s killing her—literally. Her health is a shambles.

I knew Sue’s mother very well. We were close friends, despite the difference in our ages. She was not the monster Sue remembers her as. But even if she had been, is it worth it to Sue to keep killing herself bit by bit?Read more

Listen: How To Help Others Heal by John Cali

Image by Alpha

A few days ago I was chatting with an old friend. We have a good relationship, but she’s very talkative, and not always a good listener. That sometimes creates tension between us.

This particular day I decided to just listen to her, and keep my words to a minimum. She’s been having some daunting challenges in her work and personal life. She talked a long time, and I mostly listened.

After she was done, and we were about to say goodbye, she paused and looked me directly in the eye.Read more

The Zen of War By John Cali

Philosopher Albert Camus said “Peace is the only battle worth waging.”

War and peace are much on the world’s mind today, especially with the recent Syrian crisis. And, of course, the other conflicts raging around the planet.

Here are some of Spirit’s thoughts:

  • You will never make peace with bombs and guns.
  • If you carry any hatred, anger, resentment, or bitterness in your heart, you are making war, not peace.
  • You cannot create peace by waging war. You cannot create peace by protesting war.

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Do You Think Homosexuality Is Unnatural—or Wrong? by John Cali

Two gay men

Even in this era of dramatic transformation on our planet and in our human consciousness, there are still places where we hang on tightly to outdated ideas that just don’t work anymore. Or perhaps never did.

One of those is certainly the whole area of human sexuality, especially homosexuality.

I personally find it encouraging that we are at least talking more openly than ever before about these issues, especially homosexuality.

Even in conservative places like Wyoming, where I live, there is more open discussion—more willingness to see life from other people’s perspectives.Read more

All Differences Are Illusion, Only Oneness Is Real by John Cali

Image by Kundhan karunakar

In David Thomas’ film, Tuning In, one of the underlying themes was the oneness of all creation. My spirit guides often say God is all that is. That includes all humans, all animals, all plants, the land, the sea—all life, animate and inanimate, on earth and beyond. There is nothing in all of creation that is not God.

If we accept God is in all that exists—is all that exists, then (obviously) we as human beings are all God.Read more

Are We Making War or Making Peace? by John Cali

Copyright © 2013 John Cali

I realize that image is a strange one for a spiritual newsletter. The gun, a replica of an 1873 Colt Firearms revolver, was called The Peacemaker. Ironic name for something intended to kill and destroy.

We’re all aware of the devastating conflicts going on right now in the Middle East, plus other places around the globe. James Twyman, aptly called the Peace Troubadour, was on a peace mission this past week to Syria and Egypt.

James gathered together tens of thousands of people around the world to send their healing prayers of peace to all those individuals and countries being ravaged by war.Read more

Can You Heal Your Body Without Doctors? by John Cali

Witch Doctor Healing by Malcolm Lidbury

A recent article in The Independent, a British news site, reported Pentecostal church pastors in Britain were telling their church members with the AIDS virus to rely on God for healing—and to ignore medical doctors.

At first I thought the pastors were being foolhardy and irresponsible. But the more I thought about it, the more sense it made.

As one of the pastors in the article said, “…we believe that the first healing comes from inside, it’s a spiritual healing.Read more

The Rabbit by the Side of the Road by John Cali

Copyright © Barbara Clark 2012

We’ve talked about animals in several recent posts, and we’re doing it again today.After this we’ll move on to other subjects.

A couple days ago while I was walking home after my early-morning run, I spotted a cute little rabbit by the side of the road. He didn’t run from me, as rabbits usually do. So when I got up close to him I could see his hind legs were mangled, probably from being hit by a car.Read more

Do You Have Confused Feelings About Animals? by John Cali

Image License

As I looked at our website statistics this past weekend, I was a bit surprised to see among our most popular articles and posts are those about animals. In our latest blog post, He Was Just a Dog, we talked about the spiritual aspects of animals, domestic and wild.

Today we’re continuing that subject. This will be a shorter article than normal, as I’m away from home again (unexpectedly) for the next couple weeks.

Here are some of my spirit guides’ thoughts about our sometimes-confused feelings toward animals—especially when it comes to deciding to be a meat-eater or a vegetarian.Read more

He Was Just a Dog by John Cali

Image License

This week I’ve been “babysitting” my brother’s and sister-in-law’s elderly, ailing cat Caesar while they’re travelling. I had to take Caesar to his veterinarian for a checkup a couple days ago. While in the waiting room I spied a book called Animals Are Soul Too! As I scanned through the book I realized it was filled with stories of animals acting more like humans than, well, animals.

When the vet’s assistant carried Caesar back into the waiting room she looked sad.Read more

How Do You Feel When Someone Criticizes You? by John Cali

Image License

I had a chance—two chances, in fact—to answer that question recently. The answer in both cases was “Not very good.”

I generally respond to criticism kindly, even if the critic is not being kind. Within this past month two people have harshly criticized my spiritual work, and me personally.

The first I had never met and did not know. In fact, she obviously knew nothing about my work. Except one thing—she didn’t like it.

The other was a formerly close friend who’d enthusiastically supported my work for many years.Read more

Did Your Family Give You Bad Genes? by John Cali

When I was growing up there was a belief among most of my family that certain illnesses were genetic. I bought into that belief for many years—until I realized it simply wasn’t true.

Our large Italian family had many folks with heart problems. Most of them, including my father, eventually died from heart disorders. Was that genetic? I don’t think so.

I had a dear cousin who was convinced he would die from a heart attack at the age of 55—the same age his father had died of a heart attack.Read more

Why Do We Need Forgiveness? by John Cali

Michelangelo’s The Last Judgement (Sistine Chapel)

When I was growing up in the Catholic Church, we were constantly reminded we needed forgiveness for all our sins, great and small. There was no way we were going to make it to heaven unless we constantly begged God to forgive us.

There was even a part of the Sunday Mass service where we were required to say “Lord, I am not worthy to receive you. Only say the word and I shall be healed.”Read more

The Fear of Death by John Cali

Image Copyright © 2006 Nevit Dilmen

Last week one of our family died at a relatively young age. She’d been suffering from a serious illness since she was in her 40s.

I know, as my spirit guides often say, we all die at the time and in the manner we choose. Yet when someone close dies, it’s still an adjustment for us—often a difficult one.

Adding to the difficulty is the almost universal fear of death.

Here are a few thoughts from Spirit.Read more

What Do My Pets Have to Teach Me? by John Cali

posted in: Blog, channeling, healing | 12

My spirit guides have often said animals are our teachers and healers. Here are some of their thoughts:

Animals, especially dogs and cats, are often your teachers. And your healers too. They have little to learn from you. But you have much to learn from them. One difference between animals and humans is animals are uninhibited. They know who they are. All they want to do is simply be who they are. Nothing more, nothing less.

And so in their naturally uninhibited, unlimited being, they radiate an energy, love, and joy that can touch even the most hardened human hearts.Read more

The Power of Compassion by John Cali

Be Compassionate

Many folks my spirit guides and I talk with want desperately to help their loved ones in pain, whether its physical, mental, or spiritual pain. And they often feel helpless, not knowing the right thing to do.

Here are some thoughts from Spirit:

You can choose to live from the outside in, allowing the whims of the world to beat and buffet you about. Or you can choose to live from the inside out, allowing your natural state of love and joy to create the world you experience.Read more

We Are All One by John Cali

Many spiritual teachers, including my own spirit guides, have said we are all one. But what does that really mean?

Here are some of Spirit’s thoughts:

  • You all decided, before you came to this lifetime, that you wanted to connect again, in the physical, with your soul family.
  • You wanted this lifetime to be fun and joyful—but you also wanted to expand your awareness of your connectedness to all that is.
  • We define God as all that is. You are connected to God.

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You Never Lose Those You Love by John Cali

I’ve taken that title from words my spirit guides have been using for years—usually when they’re talking to someone about the death of a loved one.

Here are some of their thoughts.


  • Death is not the end of you. It is only a new beginning.
  • Death is not the end of love. It is the beginning of renewed love.
  • Death is not serious. Life is not serious.
  • Life, whether you are “dead” or “alive,” is supposed to be fun.
  • Dying is the easiest thing you will ever do, as you’ve had lots of practice through countless lifetimes.

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How to Know When To Get the Hell Out of There by John Cali

Last week I had a long, vivid dream. When I finally awakened from it I was drenched in sweat, and feeling emotionally drained.

The details are not important, but in the dream I was in a dangerous situation where I felt vulnerable and threatened—and stuck.

Then it dawned on me I was not stuck there—I was free to end the dream. So I decided to just get the hell out of there. I woke up immediately.

I knew such an emotionally charged dream must carry an important message for me.Read more

The Magical Critters of Wyoming by John Cali, Barbara Clark, and Spirit

Wyoming deerWyoming Deer

Today Barbara Clark and one of my spirit guides talk about her experiences with the wild creatures of Wyoming.

If you’ve been with us a while, you know my spirit guides are fond of talking about animals—particularly about what great teachers and healers they are for us humans.

Barbara was here in Wyoming in summer 2012. In this video discussion, recorded after she returned to Scotland, she talks to my guide to get his perspective on the magical critters of Wyoming.Read more

Do You Struggle With Self-Love? by John Cali

Recently someone close to me was doing her best to convince me it was impossible for her to love herself as much as she loved others.

And even if she wanted to do that, it would be morally wrong. Her spiritual beliefs had convinced her of that. In plain language, it would be a sin for her to ever put herself before others.

Unfortunately, this lady is not alone in her struggles.

This week we’re revisiting an article we wrote a while back.Read more

Heal Your Relationship with Money by John Cali

One of the most common topics we talk about with folks in personal readings is money. How do I get it? How do I keep it? How do I get more of it?

In my experience of working with Spirit over the years, I’ve seen money as one of the most daunting challenges so many people face.

Barbara Clark has just released a powerful money program that is so simple and yet so effective. I think anyone wanting more money, or a healthier relationship with money, will love what Barbara is offering.Read more