How Long Do You Want To Live and How Do You Want To Die? by John Cali and Spirit

Life_of_George_Washington,_DeathbedDeathbed of George Washington
Image by Junius Brutus Stearns

I recently read an article about the death of a 21-month-old baby girl in Texas. She’d fallen into her family’s swimming pool, was revived and rushed to the hospital.

The doctors, after many weeks of various medical procedures, decided she could not survive. She’d gone without oxygen too long, and her organs had shut down. Yet she was still alive.

Her parents begged the “authorities” to end her suffering. They refused. The family decided to remove her feeding tube because, in Texas, that was their only legal alternative.… Read more

If You Knew You Were Going To Die Today, How Would You Spend Your Final Hours? by John Cali and Spirit

The_Laughing_&_Lucky_Buddha!_A_stroke_of_Luck!_(413428647)The Laughing Buddha by William Cho

How would you answer the question our title asks?

When I asked myself that question, I had to stop to think about it. What would I do? How would I spend the hours I knew would be my last in this lifetime?

Here’s Spirit.


Many humans often ask themselves “Why am I here?”

We can answer that question with one word: “Joy.”

Perhaps even more difficult to answer would be John’s question:
How would I spend the hours I knew would be my last in this lifetime?
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When You Look In the Mirror Do You Like What You See? by John Cali and Spirit

Bernardo_Strozzi_-_Old_Woman_at_the_Mirror_-_WGA21912Old Woman at the Mirror by Bernardo Strozzi

There’s a worldwide epidemic devastating our planet today—self-hatred. Over the years in my work and personal life, I’ve seen the effects of this epidemic—it ain’t pretty.

Most of us, including me, have at one time or another been unable to look in the mirror and like what we see, let alone love it. That’s pretty sad.

Here’s Spirit.


We do not tell you anything you do not already know, in some part of your awareness.Read more

Beyond the River by Hans Brockhuis copyright ©2009 by Simon Carey

You are walking through a forest. Sometimes it is hot; sometimes it’s cold. Your feet are bare and the ground is occasionally uneven. Stones lie on your path and now and again the trail seems to vanish. Yet there are also moments along the path that everything seems fine and well; then the trail is mossy with flowers here and there, and you can hear the birds singing their wonderful songs.

You carry a backpack.Read more

How Much Protection Do You Really Need? by John Cali and Spirit

Angel_protectorAngel Protector Copyright © 2012 by Astrid Torres

I remember many years ago, when I first started on this spiritual path, some teachers advised to always protect ourselves when we talked to Spirit. The idea was that “evil” entities could attack us, even taking over our bodies and minds.

The Roman Catholic Church, who obviously believe in evil spirits, even have a procedure for removing them—it’s called exorcism.

I was never comfortable with the idea of needing protection. In fact, I never used any when I was channelling—I still don’t today.Read more

Why Aren’t We Winning Any Wars? by John Cali and Spirit

Tombstones_at_Arlington_National_Cemetery,_July_2006United States military cemetery at Arlington, Virginia, USA

In today’s world we seem to have a war on everything we consider undesirable.

We have a war on poverty, a war on drugs, a war on ignorance, a war on crime, a war on disease—not to mention the wars we wage against countries and people we disagree with.

What often strikes me most is the war on disease. I read a lot of obituaries—not out of any morbid sense of curiosity, but just an interest in knowing who’s moved on to their next adventure.Read more

Life Is Beautiful, Love Is Beautiful by John Cali and Spirit

Crematorium_Terezin_cemeteryCrematorium and graveyard at Terezin concentration camp

Last Sunday one of my all-time favorite people died. Alice Herz-Sommer was 110 years old.

Alice survived the horrors of the Nazi concentration camp at Terezin. Even though her husband and many family and friends died there, she came away physically and emotionally unharmed. It’s pretty hard to believe, but Alice bore no hatred or resentment toward Nazi Germany.

She loved music and it’s part of the reason she walked away from Terezin virtually unscathed.Read more

13 Ways Your Cat Can Help You Create a Happier Life With Effortless Ease by John Cali and Spirit

CatImage copyright © 2006 by Genesis

I’ve always thought of cats as connoisseurs of comfort—great role models for us humans! They seem to do everything with effortless ease, especially sleeping. 🙂

Here are some of Spirit’s and my thoughts about the lessons cats can teach us:

  • Be your own person—learn not to care what others think of you.
  • Rise to your challenges. If you don’t catch that mouse or bird, know you will the next time.
  • Relax—treat yourself to comfort whenever you can.

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Everything Always Works Out For Me: Sequel by John Cali and Spirit

Light at end of tunnelImage copyright © 2009 by Dave Bevis

I’m still travelling, and so this post is another brief one. They’re all likely to be short till I return home again.

As I’d mentioned in an earlier article, my son and his family are in Kiev in Ukraine. If you’ve seen much recent news, you know the situation there is explosive, to say the least.

His mother and I are understandably concerned with our son’s safety—also with the safety of his family and everyone else involved in this situation.Read more

Are We Coming To the End of the World? by John Cali and Spirit

'The_Lighthouse_at_the_End_of_the_World'_by_George_Roux_04Illustration by George Roux
From Jules Verne’s The Lighthouse at the End of the World

I received the following letter from one of our readers. With her permission, I’m including it here. Following her letter is our response.


Do you believe we are in the times or at least within 30-40 years of the Antichrist? Or do you think that Revelations was made up to put fear in people and so now it’s being followed?

I’m a Pisces and the energy is very weird since the new year began.Read more

Do You Know How Powerful Your Words and Thoughts Are? by John Cali and Spirit

Mother_Teresa_1985_croppedKind words can be short and easy to speak,
but their echoes are truly endless. ~ Mother Teresa

Are you aware of how powerful and life-changing your thoughts and words can be? I am not always—so I can use occasional reminders.

Our words and thoughts carry their own unique energies and vibrations.

Here are some thoughts and words from Spirit, in no particular order.

  • Where you put your attention or focus is where you are—and what you are focused upon will be affected, positively or negatively.

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How Do You Know If You Are Making A Positive Difference In People’s Lives? by John Cali and Spirit

Albert_Schweitzer_1952Albert Schweitzer, M.D.
Image credits:
Nobel Foundation

Have you ever wondered if you were actually making a difference in the world? I certainly have asked myself that question, many times. Most of us will never achieve the level of world service that Albert Schweitzer, and others like him, did. But that does not mean we should do nothing.

When I first started on this spiritual path many years ago I had two goals. First, I wanted to create the life of my dreams; and second, I wanted to help others create the lives of their dreams.Read more

Everything Always Works Out For Me by John Cali and Spirit

Chaparral_Supercell_2Approaching Storm
Image by Greg Lundeen, National Weather Service

Our title this week is the affirmation I have taped above my desk. It’s also the affirmation I say to myself every morning when I wake up.

The daily results of using this affirmation almost always amaze me. Many days I feel I’m living in a dream world, but a real dream world.

That rosy perspective was severely challenged this week when I found a storm looming on my horizon. Let me explain.Read more

Do We Need To Overcome Adversity or Just Go Along For the Ride? by John Cali and Spirit

Pair_of_lemons-croppedImage credit: Dante Alighieri

We’ve all heard that saying, “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.” Well, my good friend, Dan Poynter of Para Publishing, recently demonstrated how to do just that, in a most impressive way.

Last summer Dan was diagnosed with Chromosome Trisomy 19, a rare and potentially life-threatening blood disorder. His doctor decided he needed a stem cell transplant. Although this disorder is not cancer, its treatment is similar to certain cancer treatments.

Now Dan is a very busy guy, as you can see from his website.Read more

Dark Energy and Life’s Other Challenges by John Cali and Spirit

NGC_3021_HubbleDark Energy
Image by NASA

A few days ago I spent several long hours in the hospital. Not because there was anything wrong with me. I just had go for a yearly eye exam, and my doctor’s office is in a hospital.

I had to wait for the results of the various eye tests they did. (Everything was fine.) While I was waiting I could not help but overhear the other folks also waiting there. Virtually all of them were talking about everything that’s “wrong” with their bodies.Read more

11 Reasons You Don’t Love Yourself and What You Can Do About It by John Cali and Spirit


What do you see when you look at yourself in a mirror? What do you feel?

For many years I did not like the guy I saw in the mirror every morning. He was never good enough. Sound familiar?

I’m convinced virtually every problem we have is rooted in a lack of self-love. And we humans are ingenious at inventing reasons why we cannot love ourselves. You’re probably familiar with the long litany. For example:

  • I’m too fat.
  • I’m too skinny.

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Life, Depression, and Happiness by John Cali


Happy_child_finds_joyHappy Child, by Steve Hillebrand, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

In our last post, After You Read This You’ll Never Need To Make Another New Year Resolution Again, I mentioned I no longer regularly make new year resolutions—though I did make one for 2014. You can read the post for more details.

And in 2013 I made another resolution, though not at the new year. Let me explain.

Many of the folks I work with, and also some of those among my family and friends suffer from depression.Read more

How To Have a Healthy Body All Your Life by John Cali and Spirit

Hope_Peace_Joy_(4207698474)Holiday Candles by Rennett Stowe

With the holidays upon us again, our thoughts turn to celebrations. And celebrations sometimes lead to overindulgence. Overindulgence, in turn, leads to thoughts of how we can create healthier bodies.

Here are a few tips from Spirit.


  • Love your body unconditionally—exactly as it is right here and right now. It is part of you, your spirit. You chose it—now cherish it for the gift it is.
  • Your body needs quiet time—meditate regularly. It doesn’t have to be a long time.

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A Model for Global Oneness? by Ian Barnfield

Image Credits

Yes. Yes, I believe we are getting closer to global oneness, and accelerating. Not that it’s necessarily going to be a smooth ride for everyone – there are those who are in great resistance to this idea, and they’re likely to make things pretty rough for themselves and those around them, but that needn’t be you.

You can surround yourself with like-minded people who are heading the same way – towards peace, harmony, joy and ease. And if those people aren’t around you physically yet then there’s the internet.… Read more

Did You Know Everything You Want To Manifest Already Exists? by John Cali

Manifest Destinies by R. Gopakumar

Most of us, one time or another, have wondered why we could not manifest what we wanted in our lives—even when we did everything “right.” I know I sure have!

But, for most of my life, I never asked the question our title presents today. How could my desires already exist if I saw no evidence of them in my life? That’s just not possible—or so I thought. Maybe you’ve had the same experience.

You’ve probably heard or read the stories of native tribes not being able to see large European sailing ships as the crews ventured into parts of the world unknown to Europe till then.Read more

Living In The Maze of Today’s World Is Easier If You Know You Are God by John Cali

This week’s article is adapted from a talk my spirit guides and I gave last week at Awakening Zone Radio.


Peace be with you!

We are delighted to be here tonight in this particular connection. We trust our words will resonate with you—and perhaps give you a greater sense, and a deeper sense, of who you really are.

Often the folks we talk with give “lip service” to the idea they are God, they are divine energy. When we remind them, some will say “Yes, BUT….”—andRead more

How Do You Learn To Love Yourself? by John Cali

Image credits

One of the biggest issues plaguing many of the folks I work with is self-love—or, rather, the lack of it. Often this is rooted in past experiences of this lifetime, or even of past lives.

Compounding the problem is the fact our modern world does not always encourage or support the practice of self-love. In fact, in many ways it discourages love of self.

I personally struggled with this issue for many years when I was younger. And I know many of you have also.Read more

Are We Making War or Making Peace? by John Cali

Copyright © 2013 John Cali

I realize that image is a strange one for a spiritual newsletter. The gun, a replica of an 1873 Colt Firearms revolver, was called The Peacemaker. Ironic name for something intended to kill and destroy.

We’re all aware of the devastating conflicts going on right now in the Middle East, plus other places around the globe. James Twyman, aptly called the Peace Troubadour, was on a peace mission this past week to Syria and Egypt.

James gathered together tens of thousands of people around the world to send their healing prayers of peace to all those individuals and countries being ravaged by war.Read more

Are People Unkind to You Because of Your Spiritual Path? by John Cali

Image Source

If you answered “Yes” to that question, you’re not alone.

Most of my Roman Catholic family have disapproved of my spiritual path ever since I started channelling years ago. I have a great relationship with many of them. But even the ones I’m closest to have told me they pray for me so I won’t go to hell. That amuses me, and I just tell them hell doesn’t exist.

When David Thomas filmed the movie Tuning In with 5 other channels and me, my family, except for my brother, could not have cared less.Read more

Do You Want To Be Healthy, Happy and Slim? by Barbara Clark



Where is your focus? Are your negative beliefs being activated?  What is your vibration around being healthy, happy and slim?

Try this simple exercise, say aloud “I am healthy, happy and slim”.  Pay close attention to how you feel when you say the words. How true do they feel?  Do you feel a “stuckness”, resistance, tightness?

Now try, “Why am I so healthy, happy and slim?”. How does that feel? Is there a difference?

This exercise will help you feel  where your vibration is in relation to health, happiness and having a slender body.… Read more